Nepenthe and me
I woke up this morning and what did I see the clouds of winter smiling at me beckoning me come ride before I cry and this rain squeezes out of me the adrenaline pumping through me the chemicals in ... read more
I woke up this morning and what did I see the clouds of winter smiling at me beckoning me come ride before I cry and this rain squeezes out of me the adrenaline pumping through me the chemicals in ... read more
Over the last 5 years, I have been diagnosed with several disabilities which cause chronic fatigue, excessive daytime sleepiness, and chronic pain. I struggled to work 8 hours, walk less than a blo... read more
I’m approaching 60 and I have been missing a sustainable workout routine that provided good health both from a physical and mental standpoint. About three years ago I started riding and have rece... read more
Imagine the open road ahead of you, the wind in your hair, and the gentle whir of your bicycle's wheels. There's a certain freedom that comes with passonly riding a bicycle. It's just you, your bik... read more
I recently bought this alluring used bike from a local lady. I have never owned a road bike but after doing Tri Santa Cruz with a mountain bike I was like, "No way! I am never dating a road race w... read more
So, by 2017 I'd broken two old steel bike frames. And considering the parts I'd removed to upgrade on my current ride at the time, I figured I had about two and a half bikes worth of components sta... read more
Difficult to write this as my father passed away a month ago. I'm 52 now but in the mid 80s I broke my dads heart switching from a life of soccer to cycling. He thought I had a chance at a college ... read more
When I was a young girl, I used to ride my bike all around town. It was one of those banana seat bikes with the tall handlebars. Being a country girl and having a father who hunted for a majority o... read more
Spent the past summer in NW Missouri hills above Kansas City. Was able to get in over 1700 rolling terrain miles to strengthen the legs. Many beautiful roads north of Platte City, but not entry lev... read more
Cycling is alot like surfing,... Going with the flow of traffic, riding side to side like if you own the road. You see the big one coming so you go for it, cutting the wind with the energy of a Typ... read more
For whatever reason, whenever I go a while without riding a bike I am always so nervous to get back on one. I use to be able to ride a bike with one or no hands. I was trying to get a selfie of mys... read more
I've always loved bike riding and just getting outside. I hate walking I'd much rather ride any day. Over the years I've won three Trek Bicycles from the county A beach cruiser, a mountain bike and... read more
My bike is a custom sport Nishiki road bike that used to be my mom's bike (she bought it new in 1981) that came with me when I moved to San Diego for grad school. I rode it all the time from my apa... read more
I grew up using a bike for transportation in my Alva neighborhood. Later on, I spent my teens going to Caloosahatchee Regional Park to hone my single track off-road biking skills. I didn’t do much ... read more
When my first wife and I divorced, we agreed that each of us should take a 6-month holiday. Mine began in February, 1977; I had decided to ride to the Atlantic Coast from San Jose, California.
... read more
It started on my birthday in 4th grade. A bicycle appeared as a gift. It was a solid tyred Red bike with tassles. This was the start of a wonderful romance. This bicycle opened up my entire wor... read more
In early May, my fiancé and I decided to get ahead of the uncertainty 2020. We saddled up and biked to the court house to get a marriage license. We arranged for a family friend to solemnize our ma... read more
Plain and simple. I love biking and I love animals! While I enjoy the thrill of a fast paced ride, the rides I love the most are those that involve animals and the beauty of nature. I'm blessed to ... read more
Years ago, I started to ride to keep a healthy spirit after a sour divorce. My bicycle helped me to make new friends, find new places, learn a lot of the cycling world (Tour de France is mandatory ... read more
I recently finished building a Surly Disc Trucker frame up into my dream touring bike and took it out for its first overnighter. Bike was great, handled carrying my gear like a champ! Had a smooth ... read more
When I first got my bike, I stick 28mm Conti Gatorskin tires on it. I thought they were awesome and I would always pump them up to about 105 PSI. As I learned more about the sport of cycling I lear... read more
The dormant trees, the fallen leaves, the sun piercing through the winter sky oh the energy. The feeling we share electrifying the light in me to Avalon. My bicycle has taken me the Virtuous feelin... read more
I have always had a passion for biking and parks. Growing up in Beaumont, I had the privilege of biking to school until ninth grade. Back in the 70s, there was just one bike shop, one bike option (... read more
I’m approaching 60 and I have been missing a sustainable workout routine that provided good health both from a physical and mental standpoint. About three years ago I started riding and have rece... read more
Siempre usé mi bicicleta cuando era muy pequeño, pero luego el miedo a las carreteras, los automóviles y la infraestructura de la ciudad me llevó a detenerme. Trabajar con una empresa que es muy ap... read more
Didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 21. Still not very good at it at 35, but i enjoy the hell out of it. My first bike was a Huffy I bought for $20 off Craigslist. Sketchy, I know, but I loved ... read more
So, I'd been riding in the Cheaha Challenge (on the Talladega Scenic Byway) most years since 2010. In 2019, they added a 20km time-trial the day before, to which I paid no attention. That's not h... read more
I bought a 2012 Cannondale CAADX in grad school, I saved up for it for over a year. I have ridden that bike in 10 states, done commuting, CX racing, gravel, metric century, century, double century,... read more
2021 Biking Goals:
Ride 5,000 miles. Check (5,650)
Ride 1,000 miles in a month. Check. (1,002)
Ride a century. Check (with my son, Dec 17)
Put more miles on my ... read more
So, I rode with Geri, my daughter to Howard and as I was leaving I noticed a trash bag ripped open at the South East corner of Boulevard and John Wesley Dobbs. Cars kept hitting the trash bag and ... read more
It’s been awhile since I’ve taken my beach cruiser out on the trail…and damn did it feel good. I miss the calm adrenaline I feel on the open road, the quiet joy that comes from peddling hard then s... read more
My wife and I recently decided that the car was for wimps. We put it forth that it was only for things impossible to do on a bike. I even go to get my homebrew supplies on a bike (55lb sack of grai... read more
I got my Diamondback Outlook as a gift in 1996! We have logged many miles together, including a tour across the state of Pennsylvania (I completed about 375 miles of it over seven days.)
H... read more
Any day I get to cycle with my beautiful wife is a blessed day! She gives me inspiration and has shown me time and time again what joy it is to be outdoors enjoying nature and each other. I'm eve... read more
I was out on a social bike ride with friends. We had stopped at a pub to "carb" load and listen to some live music. On a whimsy, I texted a woman I had chatted with briefly on an online dating site... read more
I was riding my bike to school in 7th grade and was hit at an intersection by a man turning who didn't see me. Legend has it that some friends were on a nearby bus and saw it all go down. I'm sure ... read more
I Got a new bike for my birthday (because of corona it did not arrive until fairly recently) when I put slick tires on it it’s nearly as fast as a road bike, and I enjoy writing it up and down A1A.... read more
My gravel bike is an adventure on wheels. An opportunity for thrilling escapes and adventures. My ride is never ordinary: the same route can be easy one day and difficult the next. My gravel bike i... read more
I started with a hybrid bike from Costco for $139. Since then, I have acquired 2 road bikes, a mountain bike, and a cruiser. All I need to complete my collection is an electric bike. #BetterByBike ... read more