Florida Monsoon Commute
My commute has always been a bit far, and sketchy for riding by bike even though I’ve always ridden quite a lot. The recent purchase of an e-bike has made it practical, except that it’s storm seaso... read more
My commute has always been a bit far, and sketchy for riding by bike even though I’ve always ridden quite a lot. The recent purchase of an e-bike has made it practical, except that it’s storm seaso... read more
Here's my story: I just tore my derailleur to shreds.
I know, it's not much of a story. But it leads to an important question... Does anybody have a recommendation for repair work in North... read more
Since I received a promotion eight months ago, I have been hesitant to bicycle to work. It is four miles longer and the commute is along some treacherous streets in Sacramento... but, I have accomp... read more
I remember plotting my move to Houston, from Detroit, and wondering if I could live there sans automobile. After researching, including looking at walkable neighborhoods, bike & bus routes, and... read more
I have ridden a bike to work for over 10 years (not every day), covering 1000s of miles and I am more convinced now than ever that you don't need to spend a lot on a bike and equipment to commute y... read more
J'ai 2 options: à vélo ou à pied.
Pour aller au travail c'est à vélo. Un v.lo croche en hiver, un plus roulant en été. Et lorsqu'il y a grosse tempête de neige? et bien c'est à pied que j'... read more
I quit riding for awhile due to the atmospheric rivers. Today was my first bike commute to work since I can't remember. I feel AMAZING! Everything seems positive, I didn't even need caffeine! Happ... read more
It's SUnday. Sometimes that's just 2.3 miles to church, then 2.7 miles for the bagels to my friend's house trip back.
Today.... it was "oops!!! Where is my purse? Let's go back to my friend... read more
Zip ties are amazing! That's what got the "tree" suspended there -- not sure what the other ones have been for, but they're everywhere. Look close on the cart for the "Sheldon Brown has a Poss... read more
Many people have asked me why I choose to cycle to work when I can drive by car. I say because it saves me time. Usually this creates a confused look and they ask, how? Well, I say, if I drive by c... read more
I recently changed jobs and had to figure out a new bike commute route. For the first time in decades, I was not riding North/South, instead heading directly into the sun East/West every day. Headi... read more
So I'm cruisin' down main street and ... oh, that guy is trying to turn some weird plastic that looks like the fake spider web stuff for hallowe'en into something that will secure that huge toi... read more
I was a cyclist for years but slowly got away from it. The current gas situation definitely opened my eyes to the opportunity I have to ride again as part of commuting to work. I have been riding a... read more
I went to 2 meetings and the gym by bike and realized the commute for all 3 events combined was a little over a mile from my house and a total of 10 minutes. Faster than walking, no looking for par... read more
Meet Jessica Levine, a middle school science teacher who commutes by bike from the Central District to Ravenna. Jessica's commute story ties her love for experiencing the city to her passion for pr... read more
I bought a 2017 Kona Ute cargo bicycle brand new off the show room floor in 2017. I have logged 1,000s of miles on it for work, groceries, my gear for work and running errands around town. It has b... read more
I worked from home Thursday because I asked because it was frigid, but by end ofday HAD TO GET OUTSIDE (I took the bus Wednesday)... and it wasn't as cold as I thought, at 9 degrees.
Friday... read more
Yes, had a driver second back from the cross street tryin' to pretend I wasn't there and going straight (he's turning right but the car in front has to go first...) but no, you don't want to hit m... read more
So on the way home from middle school, I turned left down Ralph McGill off Parkway and as I was going to turn North on Central Park Place I see a flock of scooters going east on Ralph McGill. As I... read more
I get up and think,”Do I ride to work or not”. Well a few thinks come into my mind. First is it going to rain, second, where do I have to be today and those are just a few things that race through ... read more
Just a usual ride along the bike lane/shared pathway from City Heights to the Kensington area. Avoiding broken glass, trash, human poo, being chased by dangerous dog, drunks, SUV's running stop sig... read more
My family visited Denmark & Barcelona in the last few years, and adored the cycling culture there. We even rented an eCargo bike, but it was very expensive at the start of the pandemic. One yea... read more
My commute by bike lets me see the different, the unusual, the overlooked, the bypassed.
This morning the USGS was measuring stream flow on Langham Creek. I was able to stop and watch for... read more
I've been so into eCargo biking lately. I bought a couple bikes from Virtue Cycles recently and they have totally improved the quality of life in our home. I take my dog to the dog park in them dai... read more
I finally found a way to reduce flats significantly.
I commute in an area of heavy industry. Poorly maintained roads fully of glass, nails, and screws were leading to multiple flats per m... read more
I decided to ride to work one morning. Usually I take the train with my bike (3 miles total) but decided to ride the entire way (12 miles). About 8 miles in, I hit a curb wrong with my back wheel a... read more
Commuting in Houston
I’ve been commuting to work primarily by bicycle since 2005. Currently I drive my daughter to school and park the car, using my bike to get from there to work. I often run... read more
For the first time in many years, I can say I commuted to work for at least two days ea month for the past 12 months. Winter is obviously tough to ride on streets clogged with storm debris, gravel ... read more
I recently had the opportunity to change departments at work. The new role is just 9 miles from home, and the office has heated employee parking, and a shower. These perks all added value for me to... read more
I started working at Emory in November of 2021. I've been a bike commuter the whole time. I live just 3 miles away, so it's really a no brainer. I started with my 1976 Schwinn Super Le Tour, tha... read more
A few months ago someone I hardly know learned that I like bicycles and gave me a box of tubes they had no use for. I didn't have any bikes in that particular size, but accepted because I figured I... read more
Oh the cool things you see when out on your bike one day I did see some very interesting thigs on my commute to work things that I may not have seen had I not ridden my bike to work let alone you d... read more
On weekends, I make the 22 mile commute from my home in Elk Rapids to the bike shop in Traverse City, MI. This past Sunday, as I rolled down the quiet farm roads in Williamsburg, a common yet uniqu... read more
Yesterday I dropped my car off to be serviced and got to ride to work from a different direction. I found myself on a street in Redding that I had never been on, in my all of my 23 of living here.... read more
I know its better than the subway, I know its more invigorating than the car, I know I dont regret my decision once I get going, but it can be such a challenge to get over myself and make the bike ... read more
Okay, the extra ride at lunch was only okay -- cruising on the highest traffic road in the county meant having to act like a "savvy cyclist," but since it's a college town and they're on break, the... read more
When I ride I make a point of staying right as far as possible. if a bike lane exists and parking is to the right, I will dip into vacant parking spaces to buffer myself against traffic. In a way, ... read more
I am loving seeing the wildlife on my commute to work along the San Lorenzo River levee path. There have been one or two kingfishers out there lots of mornings. One morning I saw a coyote right nex... read more
Had a few difficult months with work/life and my riding suffered from it. (Did not stop riding just could not do my usually crush mode riding) In a healthier place and now able to get my balance b... read more
It's still a little chilly in Iowa. And spring is always windy. But a hot pink down jacket, hi-vis lobster gloves, wool socks and a neck gaiter, and a fleece hat later, I got to see corn juuuuuus... read more
Now that I'm working from home, I can ride my kids to school on a more regular basis as logistically it is easier riding home than to work after dropping them off. It's a great opportunity for me t... read more