I never expected to be a "cyclist"
I live in a two person, one cat, zero car household. While I have long had the goal that I want to live my life without relying on a car to move in a city, I always expected that goal would be sati... read more
I live in a two person, one cat, zero car household. While I have long had the goal that I want to live my life without relying on a car to move in a city, I always expected that goal would be sati... read more
I’m trying to bicycle every day in October, as part of the BikeTober competition. On Saturday, I was not near mystreet bike. Stepped into a bike shop and asked about their rental policy, which was... read more
In the small town of Pedalville, I lived as young boy. I was not like the other kids. I had a deep passion for bicycles. I loved everything about them - the way they moved, the freedom they offered... read more
We used to have 3 Bike for our family, but during hurricane Harvey, we lost everything due to flooding. I am still looking for a used one. If someone like to sell a used bike with affordable price,... read more
Start slow - every mile you ride, you are interrupting:
- childhood asthma
- global warming
- your future medical costs
- traffic
- wealth of gas company CEOs
K... read more
At around 74, I got back on my bike and found my office-sitting career that I started in my 50's meant I could no longer safely balance on a bike or my old 2-wheel recumbent. On & off I spe... read more
At 62, I just bought a bike and I'm wondering WHY it took me so long. Honestly, it's been since high school when I rode daily so I'm still getting used to the feeling but I love it! Aside from a co... read more
First ride with my Grandson on my father's day gift "The Rocket" is the Blast Peachtree street closed to car but open to bike and walking. Daughter and youngest grandson walked along. Perfect Sund... read more
I am not a climber, but last year, my son, 23, challenged me to ride the Death Ride with him. 104 miles, 13,500 feet of climb in the middle of July. ([address removed])
He and I are com... read more
Commuting in Houston
I’ve been commuting to work primarily by bicycle since 2005. Currently I drive my daughter to school and park the car, using my bike to get from there to work. I often run... read more
Thought we'd give our bikes a ride out into the countryside but needed a destination - we decided upon the Hot Numbers Roastery near Shepreth. The ride was lovely with respectful car drivers and fr... read more
Depuis maintenant 3 ans je m'inscris au défit du moi de MAI et pour moi c'est une grande source de motivation, je me surpasse à chaque année, je veux absolument réussir et plus je pédale plus j'ai ... read more
na werk eerste dag van coronapandemie gelijk gaan fietsen om me hoofd leeg te maken en niet teveel denken over wat er in ziekenhuis werkplek gebeurt en alles van je af zetten en geen werk mee naar ... read more
Our family are avid cyclists. My wife and I honeymooned by bicycle. We take family cycle-trips.
We are also fans - and players - of Baseball.
We regularly Cycle for three baseball reas... read more
I started to cycle in May for Bike month at work, I thought I was just doing it for fun but it's great exercise and I always feel good after my rides. I'm not going too far but 3-4 miles but it's ... read more
I have always found being able to bicycle places a huge relief when transportation issues become present, and Sacramento is a decent region to bike in. I've always loved just riding!!! When I can g... read more
It was a dreadful morning, but 2,000 riders showed up for the Wine Country ride, leaving from Santa Rosa. I purchased a space from a rider who could no longer participate. It was in the 40's th... read more
We had a wonderful time on Saturday May 6th, sharing the awareness with the lovely community of Patterson about the May Bike Month Challenge! The community was so warm and enthusiastic. Many local ... read more
Thank you to Ally and the Newman Recreational Department for donating a bike to be raffled off at the farmers market Friday May 5. Congratulations to the WINNER! Thanks to all that stopped by the S... read more
I'm new to bike adventures and am not super familiar with my new bike. I proved this on a recent long cycle up a steep incline in the borders of Scotland where I was struggling for so long only to ... read more
We moved to Sacramento shortly after the pandemic began. My sister needed someone to home-school the kids while her and her husband worked and me and my dude had both been laid off.
I hat... read more
I remember plotting my move to Houston, from Detroit, and wondering if I could live there sans automobile. After researching, including looking at walkable neighborhoods, bike & bus routes, and... read more
Imagine the open road ahead of you, the wind in your hair, and the gentle whir of your bicycle's wheels. There's a certain freedom that comes with passonly riding a bicycle. It's just you, your bik... read more
We started our all womens cycling club because, quite frankly, it's a lot of fun! We've riden all around Northern CA an are based out of Elk Grove, CA. We've met amazing people along our rides, s... read more
I am challenging myself to do something really hard. I am cycling for about 1,500 KM with a group of other cyclists in Tanzania and neighbouring countries; today we rode 190 km. Yesterday, 187... read more
I often talk with other bike riders and we've all decided that folks fall into one of two categories: those who bike for leisure (ie Saturday mornings on the Silver Comet Trail) and those who bike ... read more
Today was a highlight of my rides though an instructor(ride to university)said that they were also planning on purchasing an ebike because of my riding everyday & cause I say it's so much fun! ... read more
I bought my first bike as an adult in October 2021! My last childhood bike was 20 some years ago but I barely used it. I had bad biking experiences in the past so I was obviously very nervous relea... read more
I decided to ride to work one morning. Usually I take the train with my bike (3 miles total) but decided to ride the entire way (12 miles). About 8 miles in, I hit a curb wrong with my back wheel a... read more
I have ridden a bike to work for over 10 years (not every day), covering 1000s of miles and I am more convinced now than ever that you don't need to spend a lot on a bike and equipment to commute y... read more
It's been a fun challenge this May which has helped me engage in the fun neighborhood rides with my kids. They are excited about it, so that's a huge win. I'm hoping that it will continue once the ... read more
Je me suis fais opérer pour un genou en Janvier. J’avais juste hâte de monter sur mon vélo. Il a fallu attendre qu’on mon genou pli à 80 degrés. Le 2 avril je débutait le vélo tranquillement. C’est... read more
J'ai 2 options: à vélo ou à pied.
Pour aller au travail c'est à vélo. Un v.lo croche en hiver, un plus roulant en été. Et lorsqu'il y a grosse tempête de neige? et bien c'est à pied que j'... read more
We had a beautiful sunny day yesterday here in Gloucester so my husband, daughter and I rode along the canal out to Wholly Gelato for an icecream. A really beautiful 25 mile ride in total, a comple... read more
So we (the Sacramento TMA) worked with the Department of Water Resources (one of our members) to throw a bike repair event for employees in the Natural Resources Building today. During the 3 hour ... read more
I grew up riding my bike. I would zip around my small town on and off road. With friends and on my own. My bike and I were inseparable. When I was on my bike, I knew joy. A joy I haven't felt in y... read more
A couple years ago I rented a Bike and was so bad at riding it I thought that was that. I ride the stationary Bike at the gym and decided that does not get me as much exercise as running. So Bike r... read more
I recently bought this alluring used bike from a local lady. I have never owned a road bike but after doing Tri Santa Cruz with a mountain bike I was like, "No way! I am never dating a road race w... read more
My daughter and her boyfriend visited Shannon and I. I have extra bikes, so we set them up, and rode to Old Sac, saw some murals, and then grabbed food on the way home. Shannon tracked the milage... read more
On Friday April 28th we had the chance to spread the awareness of the exciting Bike Month Challenge for Love to Ride StanisCruise! The weather was pleasant, and the fans were enthusiastic. We enjoy... read more