Stories from the United Kingdom

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Image for story Rain or shine - the only way to commute!

Rain or shine - the only way to commute!

Just a quick one, but surely arriving at work (or anywhere to be fair) by bike is the best way to start the day?! I wake up excited to ride, and look forward to the ride home. Even during the hideo... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Rail & Ride

Rail & Ride

It’s a damp grey start this morning for a commute to Beverley from Seamer.
Did you know there is no need to book your cycle on a Northern train (there is a limit though)
So if you fancy an ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


The only way to commute

I work about 3 miles from home at a school. I don't drive and the bus service is unreliable and too costly so cycling is the best option for me. I have always chosen to cycle rather than use transp... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Where Theres A Will Theres A Way

Where Theres A Will Theres A Way

Who said delivering a hire bike couldn't be done by bike 😃

A great example from Bob at Wheely Active of using sustainable travel at its best.

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story St Helier constant roadworks/closures

St Helier constant roadworks/closures

There's no better feeling than passing all of the endless queues of stationery vehicles in St Helier , caught up in the constant roadworks and closures .

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Joining the Fold!!

Joining the Fold!!

I work in the Centre of Cambridge, 8am- 4pm Monday to Friday. I used to drive everyday from my home in Haverhill to my work. Leaving work at 4pm it used to take me 25 minutes to cover 2.8 miles thr... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Free facial !

"Good cycling weather" the family said.
"Best day of the week" they said
"Go for it" they said
So I did.
Got to the bottom of my steep hill and it rained.....hmmmm!
Cycled alo... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Reporting the bike path being *stolen*...

Reporting the bike path being *stolen*...

Someone is stealing route 61, a brick at a time!
(reported to CEC)
Don’t fall into the hole as this will no doubt result in you being zapped to an alternate universe ;-)

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story #cycletoworkday


Downhil to work, uphill back home 😳

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Great British summer time

Great British summer time

No such thing as bad weather, just poor clothing choices 😂


Topic: My commute by bike


Being a cyclist is a superpower

I have always tried to find ways to incorporate my love of bikes with the need to earn a living. Having changed jobs a few years back, I decided to give up my car, work closer to home and rely on t... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Out of the Rut

Instead of just going straight down La Rivera Blvd this morning, I jumped up over the levee to see the American River and use the bike trail. It took a few extra miles, some added minutes and drops... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Trying to make it a habit.

Trying to make it a habit.

Second time I have ridden into work, managed one day last week, aiming for pedalling in at least two days this week.

Topic: My commute by bike



I cycled to work in the rain today. Something thing I never normally do. It was quite nice actually.

Topic: My commute by bike


Overtaking sports cars!

A fun cycle in this morning. Overtook 2 Porches ;)

Topic: My commute by bike


Cycling in the dark

I'm not regular with my commutes by bike. It's 10 miles each way, and if it's raining my car is much more appealing. But one thing I always try to do is cycle to work on the winter solstice - which... read more

Topic: My commute by bike



Las night I was commuting from work along the river lea canal in East London when some one push me from behind ending on the floor and my bike was taken please be aware if this area

Topic: My commute by bike


Time saver

I cycled to work yesterday after dropping the kids off at school (pushing my bike) and realised that I arrived at work way earlier than if I got the bus. Happy days.

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Getting out and about

Getting out and about

Years ago before I could drive, I would bike it everywhere. It was more convenient than public transport and it maintained my fitness. Then I learned to drive and stopped biking as much. I did othe... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story UA92 Manchester

UA92 Manchester

Decided to grab my Bike, get myself into Trafford and use it to get to work....

Circa 15 miles each way with Panniers including my Laptop and clothing.
All went well - comfy and great ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Informe informe they've all got it in for me!

I'm having a week and I'm having a moan and I'm feeling soooo sorry for myself and a little nervous... Monday lovely ride to work.
Tuesday took out by the tram lines! Road cleaning truck in fr... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Old bike, new route

Old bike, new route

I'm going to teach a colleague to ride at lunchtime, so got my 15year old mountain bike out, cleaned and oiled it and rode to work on it. it's a heavy dependable bike but, being quite a bit slower,... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Old bike to work

Old bike to work

Since it was a nice day decided to take my first bike I bought 38 years ago for a run into work 😁 modified a bit but don't have safe roads to open up on 😭 lovely ride in hardly any people or best o... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Back to the office

Yesterday the 10th of March 22 was more or less my first day back commuting albeit one day a fortnight. I would normally drive 60 miles to work but precovid I split the journey up by parking at Bir... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


There is a light breeze

Not to bad a ride in today and not to much debris, still cleared away the cobwebs. Might be a different story going home, looking at the weather one soggy cyclist.

Topic: My commute by bike


Dusting off the bike for my Cycle September Commute

It's been quite some time since I've commuted to work by bike (certainly over a couple of years), but as I had arranged a workplace Dr Bike for colleagues as part of Cycle September I set myself a ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Lancs to Leeds

Lancs to Leeds

Started commuting to work via train. 2 hour journey 3 days a week so don’t want to have to walk at the other end. Bought an old fold up bike for £25 to give it a go. Doing me good so far!

Topic: My commute by bike


Great Start to Cycle September!

What a fantastic way to start Cycle September! A 30 minute cycle in the rain... surely it can only get better from here 🤞

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Car-Free June

Car-Free June

Car Free June day 28 - I've had an interesting month leaving the car behind and using a combination of bike and train to get about and get to work. Here are some findings:

1. Total km cycl... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story What a wonderful way to start the week!

What a wonderful way to start the week!

I took my beautiful daughter to the child minder for the first time today. We rode in the cargo bike and what a wonderful start to the week it was! The sun is shining. The sky is blue and people co... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story An E-bike has enabled me to cycle to work

An E-bike has enabled me to cycle to work

I used to cycle to work in my previous job just before the pandemic but with a change of workplace and a further and longer commute of around 5 miles which would have involved 2 buses and up to an ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


rain and bad traffic

Today was a perfect cycle commute.
It looked like rain but it didn't happen.
The traffic was appalling, with new added roadworks, and extra traffic lights on St. Denys rd.
I like best,... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story #cycletoworkday


The iconic Colchester Jumbo and it’s not raining for the first time this week

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story #Cycletoworkday


Canal path route to work - a brief respite from the rain too (still muddy though)

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Cycle to Work

Cycle to Work

Hello everyone,
Captain Mocktail has got on his bike for the first time in years and has made a video about his commute to promote cycle to work day.
Search Captain Mocktail on YouTube li... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story The long way round.

The long way round.

Now that the weather has improved somewhat I have taken back to two wheels for my commute. To say that the quickest route is a little (boring, congested, dangerous. Pick one or all three) would be ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story My Cyclocross Commute

My Cyclocross Commute

I thought you'd like to see my morning commute scenery.....

Topic: My commute by bike


Back after flu!

So glad to be back on my bike to work each morning after a horrible week of flu! Its taken me 3 weeks to get there.
Feels good to be back :-)

Topic: My commute by bike


Last minute commute to work

Was running super late for work only a 4 mile ride but i had 12 minutes to get to work. Was super close to jumping in my car but decided to ride as fast as i can. Im glad i never got in the car bec... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Hello Old Friend

Hello Old Friend

I'm happy to say that my trusty (and slightly dusty) bike has once again seen the light of day.

With work only a 30-minute walk away, I found myself putting off getting on my bike. In part... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Ebike ready to roll 🚲⚡

Ebike ready to roll 🚲⚡

I have just fitted this ebike conversion kit back onto my bike and its ready to go again. It is really fantastic for commuting, it blasts through the head winds and tackles the hills with ease! The... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Bike Vs bus

Bike 10 Bus 0. In September I have now done 10 commutes , and not once has the bus I would take if I wasn't cycling passed me! Quicker, cheaper, better for the planet, better for my health.

Topic: My commute by bike


too short!

My commute is only 1.9 miles, it takes 10 minutes or 8.5 if I am running late. It is enough to lift my mood and make me happy by the time I get to work but I definitely take longer getting ready be... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story #cycletoworkday2022


After a year of cycling to work and almost 3000 miles later, 1644lbs of CO2 saved. Here's to another year!

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Bike - Train - Bike

Bike - Train - Bike

My commute is 32 miles and I can't justify that amount of time in the day on my bike after the school run. But by taking my bike on the train I can tick off my exercise, sustainability and make it... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Positives on riding to work

During the first pandemic lock down in 2020 I took the advice of 1 hour of exercise. So each day I was on furlough (10 weeks) I spent 1 hour a day cycling and on alternate days 1 hour walking the d... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Better than a Sunday

Bank holiday ride into work brillant, people and cars very few. Great to be able to hear bird song, just missed the rain. Enjoy your bike ride today were ever you are.

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story All this on my doorstep

All this on my doorstep

My commute to work isn't far, just 3.5 miles. Why would I ever use the car when its only that far, come to think of it, why would I ever use my car at all? - especially when I have all of this on m... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Cycling to work in Bracknell

Cycling to work in Bracknell

Hi my name’s Phil, right up front I’ll admit I work at Bracknell Forest Council and my remit is encouraging more sustainable journeys around our borough.

I want to highlight some of the w... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Fresh route

Made a happy discovery today, I can cycle almost entirely from my house to university by canal! Can't wait until the canals become a focal point in my city so paths can be improved for all users.

Topic: My commute by bike