
Verhalen uit Nederland

Lees verhalen van andere deelnemers en laat je inspireren! Deel ook jouw fietsverhaal om anderen te motiveren om op de fiets te stappen.

Image for story Fietsvragen aan Arjen Droog, CEO Regio Foodvalley

Fietsvragen aan Arjen Droog, CEO Regio Foodvalley

Tijdens de Fiets naar je werk week stond ons promo team in Ede, samen met mobiele fietsenmaker Marco. Arjen Droog kwam langs en we mochten hem een paar vragen stellen! Lees je mee?

- Hoe v... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Mooie e-bike routes van de ANWB... in elke provincie 1 ;-)

Beste Fan van fietsers...
Zoals bijna iedereen wel weet, zijn we bij de ANWB Fan van fietsen. Daarom ter inspiratie een kleine selectie e-bike routes ...wellicht leuk ter inspiratie en weer ee... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Over dijken en dammen en door bossen

Over dijken en dammen en door bossen

Ik houd van een afstandje fietsen. Of liever gezegd afstanden, te beginnen met 200 als randonneur. Binnen een tijdslimiet en volledig zelf bedruipend en niet gemotoriseerd.
Een tocht heb ik in ... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen


25km woon-werk te ver?

25 kilometer woon-werk fietsafstand vond ik altijd ‘te ver’. Ik ging altijd met de trein tot in juni 2020 de mondkapjesplicht in het OV werd ingevoerd. De mondkapjesplicht, op zich al vervelend, w... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen



Ik ben een held op sokken, dus ik wil wel van die kekke fietssokken.
Maar om die te winnen moet ik een verhaal delen. Nu ben ik wel een fietser maar geen goede schrijver. Verder is het zonde va... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Rondje eigen buurt

Rondje eigen buurt

In de zomer fiets ik ook wel naar het werk, maar ik doe veel nachten. En vanuit een pikdonkere polder op de fiets, vind ik minder.

Maar mijn tip: fiets gewoon eens lekker in de eigen buurt... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Een foto maken hoort erbij, anders telt de rit niet mee

Een foto maken hoort erbij, anders telt de rit niet mee

Mijn (fiets) maten weten nu wel hoe het werkt, bij een rit hoort een foto “anders telt hij niet mee”. Gewoon tijdens het rijden achter in de groep of juist een selfie als windvanger voorop. Afstapp... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Fietsen bevalt erg goed

Fietsen bevalt erg goed

In juli 2020 vorig jaar kocht ik een tweedehands e-bike voor woon-werkverkeer. De afstand enkele reis is 26 KM en gaat voor een deel door mooi buitengebied. Ik koos voor een tweedehands fiets omdat... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen


# NON, stimuli

Heb de indruk dat het gaat om de kracht van herhaling. Dit is een geweldig initiatief om mensen meer in beweging te zetten maar we zullen het vast moeten houden. Meerjarenplanning met elke maand e... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen


Verhalen over de hele wereld

Niall's Cycling Journey

I’m Niall, originally from Ireland, but I’ve been living in East Renfrewshire for the past 14 years. I’ve always enjoyed being active, and cycling has become a big part of my routine—whether it's f... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story What I wear instead of hi-viz

What I wear instead of hi-viz

Most Saturday mornings I put this on and head out to do Parkrun. I hope it encourages others to think about such choices ❤️🚴👏

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen



Today, Sunday, and this morning‘s ride through Corralitos Ca. The sunshine the fresh air and the alluring smell of apple cider as I ride through the dormant apple orchards eminently prompting a fee... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Crossing the bridge

Crossing the bridge

For those of us living in the proximity of the Bristol Channel, one fascinating opportunity is to cross the Severn Bridge via the shared footpath/cycle path, parallel to the M48 motorway. This is t... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story A Mixed-Ability Cycling Adventure from Barry Island to Sharpness!

A Mixed-Ability Cycling Adventure from Barry Island to Sharpness!

On Friday, October 11th, we embarked on a 92-mile cycling adventure from Barry Island Station to Sharpness, united by a common cause – to support the Save Tall Ship Tenacious campaign and inspire i... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Ciclorecreovía - Santiago

Ciclorecreovía - Santiago

Every morning sunday, the city streets are available for cycling, running, skaters, etc. It's a great opportunity for enjoy sports with family and friends!

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Ride the lights

Ride the lights

Pouring rain we left the airport area and did the whole ride!

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story We all have Tenacity, if we dig deep enough

We all have Tenacity, if we dig deep enough

My journey has been a difficult one, and one in which I have learnt a lot about myself both mentally and physically.

My boundless amounts of positivity have always turned the frequent dow... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Railway Paths in England

Railway Paths in England

Many former railway lines in North East England have been converted to paths for cycling and walking. This is an old rail map from the railway station at Beamish, superimposed with a nearly traffic... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Sunshine


Ride a bike rain or shine..hehehe

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story May is Bike Month: Give it a try!

May is Bike Month: Give it a try!

May is Bike Month 2024 was so much fun. My husband’s workplace in Sacramento had an organized May is Bike Month competition, and he encouraged me to take part in Bike Month too, despite the fact th... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen


"Back" to it!

Just a quick note, I had to share my news with someone. I am back on my bike!
After a period of nearly 9 months with a dodgy leg from a back injury I am back on a bike and loving it!
I wen... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story I love underpasses BUT….

I love underpasses BUT….

Our bayou trails have lots of underpasses to cross big roads. And they’re great .. no stopping .. no cars .. and a quick ride downhill.

But after heavy rains low spots can have mud or dirt... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Doing the Weekly Shop

Doing the Weekly Shop

I bought my cargo bike (actually a trike) a couple of years ago now, and use it for the weekly shop and anytyelse I need to carry something bigger around locally. We have a great shared use cycle ... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story In the early morning is my favorite time to ride into work

In the early morning is my favorite time to ride into work

Life better in the morning rides because I get to take in the Freemont bridge view of the water and the rowers. Early morning calm waters and depending on the time of year I get to see the sun rise... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story FD's Maiden Voyage

FD's Maiden Voyage

Got my buddy out on his new to him used bike! Hope to have him in as the 2nd member of the Hoboken Cycling Club soon! Join to watch our progress!

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Bike to Work/School Day plans

Bike to Work/School Day plans

At my last job I helped organize Bike to Work day for a county of 3.2 million people. Since moving to Ithaca NY, a town of 32,000 people, I've been adapting to a less massive bike scene. It's easy ... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story What to do with unused pavement chalks

What to do with unused pavement chalks

I saw my neighbours outside with their wee one on his little balance bike.
I looked at my box of unused pavement chalk sitting around and knew what needed to happen.
Some time and a combine... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story The team at Awarua Whanau Services are crushing it!

The team at Awarua Whanau Services are crushing it!

“Benefits of riding on the trails for me the adrenaline and not being stuck on a couch or in a bar, it’s great for your mental health too“ - Te Mauri Tini

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story 💖 Riding’s better done together 💖

💖 Riding’s better done together 💖

My boss Wendy and I took the Active Southland E-Bikes for a spin on Valentine’s Day! Our first 1:1 catch up on wheels.

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Coincidence or not

Coincidence or not

I had never ridden a pedal bike before, my hubby buys me one for my 52nd birthday. It is an e-mountain bike, I thought I would never love it as much as my motorbike and it would sit in garage like ... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story On not looking 'like a cyclist'

On not looking "like a cyclist"

Isn't it interesting that, in sports-mad New Zealand, many people think it's absurd to get on a bike and ride three blocks to the dairy, when you could just drive? I mean, who would do that?!
<... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen


The essence of prosperity

The dormant trees, the fallen leaves, the sun piercing through the winter sky , oh the energy the feeling we share electrifying the light in me. To Avalon my bicycle has taken me, the virtuous feel... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story My Cycling Journey - Caitlin aged 13

My Cycling Journey - Caitlin aged 13

I live in Galston, a town in East Ayrshire, Scotland. I first learned to ride a bike, at aged 4.
Gaining independence throughout the years then beginning riding to school, cycling to friends' h... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story En selle pour le 48hrs vélo Make-A-Wish

En selle pour le 48hrs vélo Make-A-Wish

Récemment pationné de vélo, je décide de me lancer et de formé une équipe de 6 afin de participé à l événement. Cyclistes occasionnels tout comme débutants, qui se magasinaient un vélo encore 6 sem... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Inclusive adventures for all

Inclusive adventures for all

92 miles DONE! 🎉
What a weekend with an incredible mixed ability team! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️
We cycled all the way from Barry Island to Gloucester and even managed to squeeze in an interview with Mike ... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Women's Group Ride from Southampton to the New Forest!

Women's Group Ride from Southampton to the New Forest!

I wanted to encourage more members of my team to ride for Cycle September as well as build up my own miles. I cycle small distances for transport but haven't been out on a longer ride for ages. We... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Noosa Trailblazers Mountain Bike Club Skills Coaching Program

Noosa Trailblazers Mountain Bike Club Skills Coaching Program

In conjunction with Noosa Trailblazers, I have been teaching 20 women the fundamental mountain bike skills to encourage them to ride more frequently with more confidence.

It's awesome to ... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Black Women on Wheels (BWOW)

Black Women on Wheels (BWOW)

I always commuted by bike but joining Black Women on Wheels has been amazing for improving my cycling skills and doing long rides and sportives like Ride London. I’m now a BWOW ride lead and it’s s... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen


2 70+ year olds riding 7,500km around NZ - on a tandem

Growing up in the 1950s, cycling was an integral part of a child's everyday life. It was the mode of transportation to school, friends' houses, sports activities, and the shops. When the weather wa... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Group ride

Group ride

I enjoy getting as many people to ride as much as possible

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Cycling is for everyone !

Cycling is for everyone !

My name is Tony, I’m from Salford and moved to Blackpool a few years ago to be near
family. I’ve been a cyclist for years and love to cycle whenever I get the chance! I
regularly take my li... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen


Riding to porch fest

On May 19 I went to the Modesto porch fest and rode to listen to different bands with me. I encouraged my friends to join us but didn’t want to go at first but they changed their minds so they rode... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Dreams come true

Dreams come true

Pedal the way up

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Fife Easy E-Bikes is helping people get out on their bike

Fife Easy E-Bikes is helping people get out on their bike

A bit of a shameless work plug but a great initiative!

Lang Toun Cycles, based in Kirkcaldy, Fife, has launched a new e-bike subscription service to make it easier for people in Fife to ge... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen


Rhod confidence

I completed my Rhod confidence course on the 6th April thru learn to ride and ECC instructors.
I would recommend anyone who has just started cycling again to take this course the instruct... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Bikepacking a great way to see the country side.

Bikepacking a great way to see the country side.

Yesterday was excellent, weather, fun, scenery, type one fun. We cycled from Cambridge, to Wicken Fen on to the lcknield way through Cavenham heath, Kings Forest and on to Knettershall Heath where ... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen


Alps to Ocean

Most amazing cycle trail -- spectacular scenery and lots of fun physical challenges -- although best part by far was meeting golden-oldies were totally kicking it -- So, so inspiring -- If you ever... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story The team at Great South are clocking up the KMs 🚲

The team at Great South are clocking up the KMs 🚲

“For me riding a bicycle helps me to become aware of the elements and landscapes around me. It’s a form of mobile meditation and a test of endurance when it its rainy and windy”. - Paula López

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen



Planning on visiting my grandchildren on the weekend, I was looking forward
to catching up with them. Having a lunch time meet up was a good idea, as it gave
the modern generation time to... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen

Image for story Why I cycle

Why I cycle

Mainly I commute to work daily. I have been known to cycle a few miles to go for a swim and back again. Or to visit family up in the forest. So I would say I’m an experienced rider, but every ride ... lees meer

Topic: Anderen aanmoedigen om te fietsen