Stories from New Zealand

Read stories and get inspired! Share a cycling story and inspire others to get out and ride!

My commute is my mental health support

Exercise is great for my mental health. When I am having particular difficult days, taking the scenic route back home (i.e. from the CBD around the bays and Miramar Peninsula to the south coast) is... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Finally got out there

Finally got out there

I realised that my commute to work In Hamilton (usually about 14 minutes by car) could be totally different by bike, as I could make use of the amazing Waikato River Te Awa trail. The Aotearoa Bik... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Power of the Pedal

Loving the fact I can travel to work faster by bike than by taking the car! I feel very satisfied as I zoom past the stationery traffic stuck in the morning and evening traffic jams. All viwed from... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Love Taupo - I can bike to work

Love Taupo - I can bike to work

I biked to work today, the first time since last years Bike Challenge. To say I am proud of myself is an understatement, plus I encouraged my work colleague "M" to bike to work today too. I must a... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Utility Cyclist

I rarely cycle for fun. It is generally just to get around. It's quite enjoyable just travelling from place to place via bicycle. It turns what would generally be a stressful activity to an enjoyab... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Advice needed☔

Advice needed☔

Hi there, I moved to Auckland almost 5 months ago from central Europe ad I commute by bike every day. I want improve my strength for hiking, clear my mind and save money for traveling with 🚴 instea... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story My Public Private Partnership

My Public Private Partnership

I live in Rolleston and commute 27km to my office in Christchurch by bicycle and bus.
I #lovetoride so cycle to the bus stop in Rolleston and from the Hospital stop in Christchurch to my offic... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


All weather biking

My challenge to myself this year was to bike everyday in February. So far I have managed it even with 34°C heat and the rain from the tail end of Cyclone Gabrielle (thankfully very minor compared t... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Cycling to school

I go to school in Napier, which is more than ~25kms away from where I live in Havelock. Each day I bring my bike to school on the bus, before spending 40 minutes riding back home in the afternoon. ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Its (not) a motorway

I was punishment passed by a lady on Roscommon Road, Wiri, yesterday.
Helpfully, she then pulled into the gas station so I could ask her why.
Amongst other excuses, she insisted that Roscom... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


These gas prices!

Highly motivated to bike more with the price of petrol getting out of control. I'm considering much longer trips and adding a trailer too.

Topic: My commute by bike



When I got hit by a Lanscaping van last week the driver and passenger accepted responsibility for driving through the roundabout and hitting me, instead of trying to blame me.

Topic: My commute by bike


Scared by my own shadow!!

What a weird sensation, riding in the early morning , just before dawn and I sensed something passing me on the inside line. WTF was that? Nothing , just my shadow passing me due to weird lighting ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Don’t forget to thank your Council!

I used the long weekend, with some help from Twitter people, to try and work out a commuter cycle route 25km to work that is mostly in cycle lanes (separated as much as possible) and avoids the rou... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Commuting to work (and back!

I decided not to own a car a few years back, and just rely on my bicycle for getting around.

It's been quite good for me, as I'm a lazy person, and if given the option, I might cave and u... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story First day biking to work

First day biking to work

It has been something yet to be accomplish for few years. Finally, done it today and love the ride, except that in town, i am still sharing pathway with pedestrian instead of cars. Gotta get myself... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


The Pain before the Pleasure

'Change' is happening in Hamilton with major roadworks around the University area of the City so my regular commute route impassable and sometimes frustrating when following the detour route sugges... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Back in the saddle

After a bit of a tough year in 2020 change in job, change in house a new commute ride to work is getting the head and body heading back in a good direction.

Topic: My commute by bike


Love to ride

I’ve always loved riding a bike and came some croppers as a teen often after ‘borrowing’ my older brothers bike. But it never stopped me loving it. I bought an E bike this year and after years o... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

13 years commuting

December 2007 I started riding to work at a new job with Palmerston North City Council Parks. In the 13 years since I have probably gone by car no more than 20 times - car for service etc. Its been... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Little Blue

I saw a Little Blue Penguin on my cycle to work this morning along the West Harbour Cycleway SH88 shared path. It made my day :) [address removed]

Topic: My commute by bike


Added extras

Wow I am 2 days into my rides and yesterday I took a dozen eggs home in my panniers, surprised they weren't cooked by the time I got home.
Today brought in a fundraising cake for Relay for Life... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Down the hill, up the hill

I live at the top of a hill called Bluff Hill in Napier. 'The hill' has been a bit of a mental obstacle to me biking anywhere since we moved into our house almost 3 years ago. However the bike ch... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Someone stole my seat post and all!

I bike to work year round and I have done so for about 8 years. I have had a locked bike stolen from a bike rack while at work.
I felt shocked and couldn't think what to do at first, but insura... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Toddler and music

Somehow having a toddler on the back gives a perfectly valid excuse to blast some tunes on the bike... From Disney bangers to fat freddys, bring on the day!

Topic: My commute by bike


Port Hills fires

Again being an ebike commuter paid dividends when the Port Hills were ablaze again.
All Motor vehicles were stopped from getting into the Suburb but my trusty ebike took me thru to the cordon w... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Newtown is Awesome

Very rarely do I ride through Newtown to get to Mahi. What a cool experience! So many friendly cyclists, lovely chats while we waited for the green light. I love the Wellington cycling community x

Topic: My commute by bike


Coming back from Injury

As a new ebike owner(!), I couldn't wait to start cycling to work. However, just after 2 weeks of riding, in November 2023 I managed to get myself into an accident involving my bike and a parked ca... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Ahhh! Wet weather will I melt...

Well, I try thought after a few wet days in Christchurch I would be good to ride again today. Sadly, I was caught out in the rain, on the bike home. The outcome... I didn't melt, I did find traffic... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Cycling through post cyclone

A colleague and I were brave enough to venture out the day after cyclone Gabrielle had battered the Bay of Plenty on our journey to work. I was probably foolish enough to think that everything wo... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Riding with the kidlets

Riding with the kidlets

10km hammered out a week or so back with my 8 and 6 year old! They were troopers!

Topic: My commute by bike


Trying to get on my hog more

Have started riding my bike not only to work but to the gym. This means getting up grabbing one bag biking to the gym. Head home and grab anther before heading to work lol

Topic: My commute by bike

2 near misses in 2 mins

I have to share this to the interweb as a sort of therapy... Hello, my names Tim and I'm a bicycle addict....

I survived two near misses last night on my commute home. Both times I reckon ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Getting back after a crash

Getting back after a crash

31st August last year riding to work I was in a bit of a day dream and I remember thinking how much I was enjoying my commute. Next minute I was sliding down the footpath on my face as I had hit a... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Centaurus Road/Barrington Street/Whiteleigh Ave

This commute is usually pretty busy as going in peak hours. Centaurus Road is usually fine in the morning and Barrington Street can be busy leading up to the Milton Street junction. If going close ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Disadvantaged? Never.

Disadvantaged? Never.

Im a 45 yr old non driver. I realised early on driving wasnt for me and that the world was a far safer place with me not behind the wheel of a vehicle. So i cycle and run n walk.
Ive never fel... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


How I started biking more seriously

How I started biking was due to drink driving and lost my licence but I still needed to get to and from work when most of you were sleeping. Brought a ten speed and then did some short rides before... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Beat the traffic - encourage others along for the ride

Beat the traffic - encourage others along for the ride

Leave the car at home, stay away from the petrol station for a month or more. 25mins to work in car, 29mins on the bike on the best day. Powered by craft beer and pizza!

More bikes at wo... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Day 1

First day riding to work.
Of course it had to be a day where we have a high of 30 degrees!
Oh well......
I did it to improve my health.
I did it to save money.
I did it to help ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Best and worst road on my commute

Blenheim Road is both awesome and awful for commuting. Minimal parking means there's far less risk of dooring, and the traffic tends to create a nice draught regardless of the wind.

So ma... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story My bike is a bat mobile!

My bike is a bat mobile!

My first ride for the AB Challenge was to use my bike to ride out to four field sites that a part of my automatic bat monitoring (ABM) project around Thames. I've placed them at three sites around ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


I ride an E bike and am also a human

I am now over 60 years of age and still commute to work most days and ride at weekends for the fitness, health benefits and to help out the environment. I have brought an E bike with a motor to ass... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


10 years of commuting to work

This last week of September 2020 marks 10 years of riding to work. I remember the first day vividly. I thought shorts and a t-shirt would be sufficient as I would be riding hard and probably be wor... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Taking a moment in the bush

Taking a moment in the bush

When I drive I rarely take the time to enjoy the city I live in but with biking I an so easily stop, hop off and have a wee explore. Yesterday I decided to visit a piece of remnant bush in Christch... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Walking the talk

Walking the talk

One of the goals I set for myself when I started my new job at TCC was to bike to work. My role is Corporate Sustainability Lead, so biking makes sense for a lot of reasons. Fitness, wellbeing, env... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Biking - Good for the Body, Good for the Pocket

Biking - Good for the Body, Good for the Pocket

I have biked to work every day since 1978, when I started my first full-time job. In 2019 I am still biking to work every day, and wouldn't change it for anything. Five years ago someone challenged... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Stories from around the world

Image for story 15 years - 100,000km

15 years - 100,000km

I've been commuting to work for 15 years with at least one ride on the weekends. All up I have clocked over 100,000 km. Here are some comparative guesimates of savings over that time:
Financial... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Rain or shine - the only way to commute!

Rain or shine - the only way to commute!

Just a quick one, but surely arriving at work (or anywhere to be fair) by bike is the best way to start the day?! I wake up excited to ride, and look forward to the ride home. Even during the hideo... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story 3, 2., 1 - GO!

3, 2., 1 - GO!

Biketober is off! The outside racks were packed all day at Council House 2!

Topic: My commute by bike


Dusting off the bike for my Cycle September Commute

It's been quite some time since I've commuted to work by bike (certainly over a couple of years), but as I had arranged a workplace Dr Bike for colleagues as part of Cycle September I set myself a ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike