Storie da Milano

Leggi le storie e lasciati ispirare! Condividi una storia ciclistica e ispira gli altri a uscire e pedalare!

Image for story L'UOMO CHE VISSE DUE VOLTE (a cura di Fabio Coppi)

L'UOMO CHE VISSE DUE VOLTE (a cura di Fabio Coppi)

L'UOMO CHE VISSE DUE VOLTE (a cura di Fabio Coppi)
Prima eravamo vicini di casa ora non più e a Milano, abitare in un altro ... Per saperne di più

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare

Image for story Biketowork  tt i giorni per scelta di vita

Biketowork tt i giorni per scelta di vita

E dal 2018 per andare a lavorare e per gli spostamenti quotidiani uso solo bici circa un 50 km al giorno 1200 al mese .piove o non piove si pedala, la bici per me e libertà...e ricerca di sé stessi... Per saperne di più

Topic: Il mio tragitto in bici


La bici libertà allo stato puro

La bici per me sono sempre andato in giro mai fermato un attimo e il mio mezzo di trasporto primario tommymagri lainatebike365gradi

Topic: Andare in bici ai tempi del Coronavirus


First time on a new route. The devil's in the detail!

I'm trying to get out on my bike more, as I've signed up for a 96K charity ride, which is happening next week!
I'm a National Account Manager for a food company, I'm based in Stockport, HQ is ... Per saperne di più

Topic: Il mio tragitto in bici

Storie da tutto il mondo

Image for story On not looking 'like a cyclist'

On not looking "like a cyclist"

Isn't it interesting that, in sports-mad New Zealand, many people think it's absurd to get on a bike and ride three blocks to the dairy, when you could just drive? I mean, who would do that?!
<... Per saperne di più

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare

Nepenthe and me

I woke up this morning and what did I see the clouds of winter smiling at me beckoning me come ride before I cry and this rain squeezes out of me the adrenaline pumping through me the chemicals in ... Per saperne di più

Topic: La mia storia d'amore in bicicletta

Stolen while swimming

My green Scott 21’ frame just was taken today outside Colchester leisure world between 1-:30-3pm while I was at work, please keep an eye out it is registered with police and I had brand new lights ... Per saperne di più

Topic: Altro

Image for story Living life as a cyclist

Living life as a cyclist

The start or should I say serious start of my cycling adventure began in Ernest after my father's funeral four years ago . He loved to cycle his flying scot bike in the rain and did Edinburgh to Gl... Per saperne di più

Topic: Un ricordo felice di una cavalcata



Today, Sunday, and this morning‘s ride through Corralitos Ca. The sunshine the fresh air and the alluring smell of apple cider as I ride through the dormant apple orchards eminently prompting a fee... Per saperne di più

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare

Image for story Keep the smiles coming

Keep the smiles coming

I cycle commute as much as I ever can...
Outside those usual times I wear silly costumes as I have been doing for 4 years now, everything from a Stormtrooper, a 100k race on my single speed dre... Per saperne di più

Topic: Altro

Image for story Disabled? They said it was impossible.  They were wrong!

Disabled? They said it was impossible. They were wrong!

They said I couldn't. They said I shouldn't. But here I am, cycling with Ehlers-Danlos, CRPS, Chronic Fatigue... the list goes on! 🚴‍♀️ But I don't let it stop me.

Walking might be a s... Per saperne di più

Topic: Altro

Image for story A new riding region.

A new riding region.

I am in Southland exploring the region.
Going on the long dusty backroads.
It has been a glorious way to see the landscape.

Topic: Un ricordo felice di una cavalcata

Image for story Another Reason to Ride

Another Reason to Ride

I decided to add stops to my bike rides to take photos of film locations. I had ridden by many of these locations without realizing it.
If I were driving, parking would be difficult, but on my... Per saperne di più

Topic: Un ricordo felice di una cavalcata

Image for story This time last year...

This time last year...

I had a cycling accident at at the bottom of shooters hill road. I fractured my shoulder and lacked confidence to return to cycling for sometime. However, winter has returned and I am glad to say I... Per saperne di più

Topic: La mia prima volta in bici da anni




Topic: Una storia dalla Bike Challenge

Image for story It takes two!

It takes two!

Tandem riding together, this year now 2000 miles plus in 2024! Joint age 142 years.

Topic: La mia storia d'amore in bicicletta


Is something broke?

Where have all my rides gone that were down the left hand side of the screen? Can't see anyone else's either...

Topic: Altro

Image for story My colleagues ride annually in Europe

My colleagues ride annually in Europe

This year rode (was supposed to be from Trafalgar Square but changed due to unrest) from 22nd September (early morning until late afternoon in torrential rain!)

We started in Letchworth 6... Per saperne di più

Topic: Una storia dalla Bike Challenge


Bikes for sale

Hey anyone know any recommendations for long distance for bikes? Or have one for sale

Topic: Altro

Image for story 15 years - 100,000km

15 years - 100,000km

I've been commuting to work for 15 years with at least one ride on the weekends. All up I have clocked over 100,000 km. Here are some comparative guesimates of savings over that time:
Financial... Per saperne di più

Topic: Il mio tragitto in bici

Image for story Commuting Carbon Neutral

Commuting Carbon Neutral

I drive an electric car but as everyone knows it still takes fossil fuels to operate. Luckily, even with everything factored in, it has less than 1/3 the carbon footprint of gas cars. I discovered ... Per saperne di più

Topic: Frantoi di carbonio


Ride to school

Each day I ride to school while most people rock up in cars. I ride because it's healthy (and I don't like to walk) and gets me to school in under 10 minutes. I love riding and I home that more stu... Per saperne di più

Topic: Il mio posto/percorso preferito per andare in bicicletta

Image for story Isobel's Cycling Journey

Isobel's Cycling Journey

I’m a 57 year old community worker who started cycling around 2.5 years ago after seeing an advertisement for the Great North Bike ride and decided to enter it to motivate myself to get fit. My fri... Per saperne di più

Topic: Una storia dalla Bike Challenge

Image for story Looking Back

Looking Back

It's a certainty; if you ride long enough, you will crash.

I sometimes let myself entertain the idea that cars and other things, coming up from behind, are uncontrol able random threats. ... Per saperne di più

Topic: Altro

Image for story Inclusive adventures for all

Inclusive adventures for all

92 miles DONE! 🎉
What a weekend with an incredible mixed ability team! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️
We cycled all the way from Barry Island to Gloucester and even managed to squeeze in an interview with Mike ... Per saperne di più

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare



i bike on the UCLA campus because there is less car traffic, making it safer for fitness/exercise.

Topic: Il mio posto/percorso preferito per andare in bicicletta


Bike maintenance

Just replaced my chain and rear cassette. A big shout out to Andy at bike space, and Evo cycles on Vivian, for help, advice and parts. It's now running sweet for my daily commute.

Topic: Altro


Someone stole my seat post and all!

I bike to work year round and I have done so for about 8 years. I have had a locked bike stolen from a bike rack while at work.
I felt shocked and couldn't think what to do at first, but insura... Per saperne di più

Topic: Il mio tragitto in bici


The essence of prosperity

The dormant trees, the fallen leaves, the sun piercing through the winter sky oh the energy. The feeling we share electrifying the light in me to Avalon. My bicycle has taken me the Virtuous feelin... Per saperne di più

Topic: La mia storia d'amore in bicicletta

Image for story What I wear instead of hi-viz

What I wear instead of hi-viz

Most Saturday mornings I put this on and head out to do Parkrun. I hope it encourages others to think about such choices ❤️🚴👏

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare

The essence of prosperity

The dormant trees, the fallen leaves, the sun piercing through the winter sky , oh the energy the feeling we share electrifying the light in me. To Avalon my bicycle has taken me, the virtuous feel... Per saperne di più

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare

Image for story Little River runner

Little River runner

This red bike has been my favourite and stopping in at the old train station the colours were too hard not to photograph. I have aero bars (not sure why) and so my aeroe handlbar harness kept slidi... Per saperne di più

Topic: Una storia dalla Bike Challenge


Beauty of bicycle riding

My bicycle riding, the taste,the flavor let it be, heart pumping blood circulating the air whizzing the birds singing, the sun shining, the fog reeling in the salty ocean feeling, the magic of the... Per saperne di più

Topic: Una storia dalla Bike Challenge

Image for story Use your bike to meet people!

Use your bike to meet people!

An unusual bicycle gets attention and starts conversations. Back in 1997, I needed a bike, as mine kept getting stolen, even though they were all second-hand and not fancy. I'd recently read M... Per saperne di più

Topic: Altro


My ebike's brand still exists and is doing great

I bought my ebike from a relatively obscure ebike company in 2018, mainly because it was extremely affordable on a student salary, and it was a New Zealand company. The nearest shop that sold them ... Per saperne di più

Topic: La mia storia d'amore in bicicletta

Image for story Timber Trail awesomeness

Timber Trail awesomeness

One of the best trails I've ever experienced. Challenged myself to do the whole thing in one day. Stopped at the camp site half way for a photo, no turning back now. So many great views of our spec... Per saperne di più

Topic: Un ricordo felice di una cavalcata

Image for story Accessible Cycling

Accessible Cycling

My workplace (charity Vision 21) was lucky enough to get a grant through GCC Think Travel to have access to an accessible folding trike. This has enabled me to learn how to ride for the first time ... Per saperne di più

Topic: Altro

Image for story My Cycling Journey - Caitlin aged 13

My Cycling Journey - Caitlin aged 13

I live in Galston, a town in East Ayrshire, Scotland. I first learned to ride a bike, at aged 4.
Gaining independence throughout the years then beginning riding to school, cycling to friends' h... Per saperne di più

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare

Image for story Crossing the bridge

Crossing the bridge

For those of us living in the proximity of the Bristol Channel, one fascinating opportunity is to cross the Severn Bridge via the shared footpath/cycle path, parallel to the M48 motorway. This is t... Per saperne di più

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare

Image for story En selle pour le 48hrs vélo Make-A-Wish

En selle pour le 48hrs vélo Make-A-Wish

Récemment pationné de vélo, je décide de me lancer et de formé une équipe de 6 afin de participé à l événement. Cyclistes occasionnels tout comme débutants, qui se magasinaient un vélo encore 6 sem... Per saperne di più

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare


My Best Friend and Me

I met Annie when we were kids. We bonded over riding our bikes together. Ever since then, we have done many bike trips together, the longest being a 3 day rail trail we did earlier this year. I hav... Per saperne di più

Topic: Un ricordo felice di una cavalcata

Image for story Age is no barrier

Age is no barrier

I am Ian Shaw from Balloch West Dunbartonshire.
I found out about LTR in my then work place Glasgow Clyde College and I'm now retired.
I have been cycling for about 40 years now as well a... Per saperne di più

Topic: Una storia dalla Bike Challenge

Image for story The zen of the ride

The zen of the ride

Most days, my spouse will ask where I want to ride. I suggest a route, he suggests something else, and I say okay. I’m not really a pushover. The feel of riding, the movement, the act of being in t... Per saperne di più

Topic: Altro


Bike Around the Bay

Bike around the bay 2024

Topic: Altro

Image for story Houston's Multi-modal Trip

Houston's Multi-modal Trip

Visiting Miller Outdoor Theater, seeing Big Boy at Amtrak station, or going to BikeHouston's events from Katy can be achieved easily with bike + express bus. Those are trips that otherwise too far ... Per saperne di più

Topic: Il mio posto/percorso preferito per andare in bicicletta

Image for story A Mixed-Ability Cycling Adventure from Barry Island to Sharpness!

A Mixed-Ability Cycling Adventure from Barry Island to Sharpness!

On Friday, October 11th, we embarked on a 92-mile cycling adventure from Barry Island Station to Sharpness, united by a common cause – to support the Save Tall Ship Tenacious campaign and inspire i... Per saperne di più

Topic: Incoraggiare gli altri a pedalare

Image for story Faster than a car!

Faster than a car!

I work as a P.E teacher in Kilmarnock and I first heard about Love to Ride from the East Ayrshire Council website. I've been a recreational cyclist since I was a boy but got my Boardman road bike f... Per saperne di più

Topic: Una storia dalla Bike Challenge

Image for story The joy of riding my bike

The joy of riding my bike

I love riding my bike, my first ride was when i was around six, I remember jumping on my older sister's new bike. we lived in a court and my Mum let us ride to the halfway point, of course this bik... Per saperne di più

Topic: La mia storia d'amore in bicicletta

Image for story Why I ride and choose not to own a car?

Why I ride and choose not to own a car?

If you know me, you’d probably know that I’ve become an avid cyclist over the years and my work involves looking at ways to encourage people to consider the daily choices they make around transport... Per saperne di più

Topic: Un ricordo felice di una cavalcata

Image for story Night ride at long last

Night ride at long last

My first night ride since before my long lay up after surgery.
I didn't realise how much I missed it, 15 miles of bliss.

Topic: Altro