Organisation Profile

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

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Challenge Results

Workplace Statistics

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500+ staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 39000 200 0.5% 31193

200 - 499 staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - Specialist Children's Services 350 17 4.9% 2281

Department Statistics

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500+ staff

Name Office Name Staff Count Trips Commute Trips Total Distance
Southern General Hospital NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 5 480 81 12177
Radiology NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 2 337 167 1789

200 - 499 staff

Name Office Name Staff Count Trips Commute Trips Total Distance
Vale of Leven Hospital NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
eHealth NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 3 0 25
Sandyford NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 4 710 591 4214
Labour ward NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Department of Clinical Physics and Bioengineering NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 3 3 44
HR NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 2 1065 1044 7310

50 - 199 staff

Name Office Name Staff Count Trips Commute Trips Total Distance
Anaesthetics NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 5 321 30 6233
Neuro NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Pharmacy NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 3 184 47 1939
Bicycle user group NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 22 7390 1995 73092
Glasgow Royal Infirmary NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 4 243 96 2987
Orthopaedic Surgery NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 3 3 93
QEUH Anaesthetics NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 1338 154 6134
Health Improvement NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 2 296 53 3999
Rehabilitation Service NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 2 52 28 381
Facilities Department NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 35 5 245
Urology NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 18 16 68
Paediatric Radiology NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - Specialist Children's Services β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Adult Community Learning Disability NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - Specialist Children's Services β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
General surgery QEUH NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - Specialist Children's Services β€” Scotland 2 863 659 5722
Pharmacy NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - Specialist Children's Services β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0

20 - 49 staff

Name Office Name Staff Count Trips Commute Trips Total Distance
out patients department NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Biochemistry NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 3 1282 845 19822
Ward C Stobhill NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 291 141 2611
Community Dietitians NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 363 302 2737
Skye House NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 31 15 432
Corporate Estates NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 390 243 9201
Department of Audiology NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 106 85 537
Biochemistry Department RAH NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 2 0 19
West of Scotland PET Centre NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 405 282 3840
Physiotherapy NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 3 325 51 7321
Gartnavel General Hospital Ward 1c NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Clinical Research Facility NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 1 1 4
Cardiology OPD NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Orthotics NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 2 130 88 967
South CAMHS NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - Specialist Children's Services β€” Scotland 1 1008 632 6705

7 - 19 staff

Name Office Name Staff Count Trips Commute Trips Total Distance
Psychiatry NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 3 260 179 2229
Vascular NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 28 17 176
Chaplaincy NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 2 141 17 414
HSCP South Glasgow Admin Group NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Psychotherapy CAMHS NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 350 36 12087
Dental Practice NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 332 4 8314
Orthotics Women & Children NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 639 282 7206
cCBT Team NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 42 21 201

1 - 6 staff

Name Office Name Staff Count Trips Commute Trips Total Distance
GP appraisal department NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 2 85 9 741
Mental Health Dietitian NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Mental Health Planning NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 1 0 1
maternity NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 1 0 34
Ophthalmology NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 2 67 14 467
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 102 89 1060
Endocrinology NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 90 90 972
New Victoria Hospital NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 10 10 98
Surgical Receiving NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 1 1 10
Travel Plan Office NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
North West Adult Learning Disability Administration NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde β€” Scotland 1 29 22 442
Occupational therapy NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - Specialist Children's Services β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Physiotherapy Department NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - Specialist Children's Services β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0
Children and Families - North West NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - Specialist Children's Services β€” Scotland 0 0 0 0

Our Riders

Name Department Trips Miles
Kenny Munro 3344 27,238
Neal Padmanabhan Bicycle user group 2346 21,343
Alan Fleming Bicycle user group 1696 21,836
Daren Maxwell South CAMHS 1343 8,753
Rachel Darling QEUH Anaesthetics 1338 6,134
Andrew Clark HR 1056 7,116
Gary Nicholson 876 5,739
Gary Nicholson General surgery QEUH 859 5,707
Robert Docking Bicycle user group 801 2,872
Ian G0db3r Biochemistry 732 12,419

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