Welcome to Love to Ride

You’ve arrived at the home of cycling encouragement.
Hop on your bikes, join a community, learn new bike skills, and win prizes!

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Let’s get more people riding bikes!

Love to Ride has something for everyone. Head to your profile to log your rides, encourage others to jump in the saddle, unlock badges, set goals and much more.

Check out the Stories feed to read other people’s inspirational rides or share your own. Want something more informative? Click the Learn tab to discover a wealth of Tips articles, Quick Courses, and videos - perfect for learning biking basics and levelling up your rides.

Keep your eyes peeled for our next campaign and follow us on X, Facebook and Instagram to stay updated. Happy riding! 


Bay of Plenty All time stats

  • 622 Workplaces
  • 10,677 People
  • 3,378 New riders
  • 10,139,850 Km
  • 571,140 Rides
  • 338,347 kg CO2
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