Organisation Profile

Maritime and Coastguard Agency

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Challenge Results

Workplace Statistics

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200 - 499 staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
Maritime and Coastguard Agency - Southampton Office 450 14 3.1% 1844

50 - 199 staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
Maritime and Coastguard Agency (Global) - Aberdeen 65 1 1.5% 254

Department Statistics

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500+ staff

Name Office Name Staff Count Trips Commute Trips Total Distance
Her Majesty's Coastguard Maritime and Coastguard Agency - Southampton Office — Solent 4 647 68 10853

200 - 499 staff

Name Office Name Staff Count Trips Commute Trips Total Distance
Headquarters Maritime and Coastguard Agency - Southampton Office — Solent 7 1132 225 16107

50 - 199 staff

Name Office Name Staff Count Trips Commute Trips Total Distance
Commercial Maritime and Coastguard Agency - Southampton Office — Solent 1 36 14 110

Our Riders

Name Department Trips Miles
Tristam Newey Headquarters 631 7,380
Gareth Lewis Her Majesty's Coastguard 380 3,860
Pete Lowson 254 6,143
Aniko Gaal Headquarters 245 7,230
TAMMY NEWEY Headquarters 188 594
Rhodri Wake Her Majesty's Coastguard 158 6,381
John Foster Her Majesty's Coastguard 103 588
Jason Wagner Commercial 36 110
Elizabeth Scopel Headquarters 26 514
Corinne Bunton 17 169

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