The World

Voici des récits du The World

Lisez des récits et soyez inspiré.e.s! Partagez votre histoire d'amour avec le vélo et inspirez les autres à sortir et à rouler!

Voici des récits de partout dans le monde

Image for story Regio Foodvalley stapt op de fiets!

Regio Foodvalley stapt op de fiets!

Slim, duurzaam en gezond werken en reizen. Zo maken we Regio Foodvalley voor iedereen bereikbaar. Regio Foodvalley ziet daarom graag zoveel mogelijk medewerkers op de fiets! Wil je meer informa... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Exploring Cornwall

Exploring Cornwall

What better way to spend a sunny afternoon in Cornwall than hopping onto the bike and getting out to the coast? Love this County almost as much as my bikes!!

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story Regio Foodvalley stapt op de fiets!

Regio Foodvalley stapt op de fiets!

Slim, duurzaam en gezond werken en reizen. Zo maken we Regio Foodvalley voor iedereen bereikbaar. Regio Foodvalley ziet daarom graag zoveel mogelijk medewerkers op de fiets! Wil je meer inform... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo


Sunday ride

Thought we'd give our bikes a ride out into the countryside but needed a destination - we decided upon the Hot Numbers Roastery near Shepreth. The ride was lovely with respectful car drivers and fr... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre

Image for story Spending time together

Spending time together

Grateful to get out to ride with my daughter around the neighborhood. It’s rare we spend quality time together these days because she is so busy with school and extra curricular activities. So wond... Lire la suite

Topic: Ride with kids

Image for story Redwoods, Rotorua - Big day out

Redwoods, Rotorua - Big day out

Fifteen of us in our family, including our daughters, their partners and our grandchildren, so coordinating a big day out took a bit or organising. Thankfully we got nice weather, took picnic food ... Lire la suite

Topic: Ride with kids


I'm hole again! Tour de Donut fun!

I had so much fun riding the Tour de Donut again last weekend. Got to reconnect with riding buddies I haven't seen since last fall, get some pedalling in, and eat lots of donuts. I'm the one with t... Lire la suite

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo

Image for story Découvrir ma nouvelle vi(ll)e autrement

Découvrir ma nouvelle vi(ll)e autrement

A Montréal depuis moins d'un an, j'avais pris l'habitude de visiter la ville à l'aide de Tiktok et à ses bons coups : les adresses les plus cultes, les vues panoramiques les plus "instagrammable", ... Lire la suite

Topic: Ma première fois en vélo depuis des années


Not had a bike in years

After my dad passed away in 2007 I was very unfit. I was recommended to get a bike by a friend to help get fitter in 2008, i hadn't had a bike in over 25 years.... . I struggled to do 2-3 miles, t... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story There's Nothing Like an Ocean View

There's Nothing Like an Ocean View

When you live near the ocean and can ride on the beach there is just nothing more relaxing. The time and miles slip away as the sounds of the waves on the shore encourage you to just keep pedaling.... Lire la suite

Topic: Mon endroit/itinéraire préféré pour faire du vélo


À vélo ou à pied!

J'ai 2 options: à vélo ou à pied. Pour aller au travail c'est à vélo. Un v.lo croche en hiver, un plus roulant en été. Et lorsqu'il y a grosse tempête de neige? et bien c'est à pied que j'y vais... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Fun in the Sun

Fun in the Sun

Just over 31 miles today & I even got my partner in crime to join me… When the sun is shining it would be rude not to.. Cheers 🥂

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story Community cycle ride

Community cycle ride

The sun was shining on Saturday in Peterborough which was perfect for this led cycle ride. Peterborough City Council arranged for Eric from Sustrans to lead the ride from the city centre to Nene Pa... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Where am I?

Where am I?

My brother & sister moved to the UK sometime ago so I play this game when I am out on my bike…I take photos of places I pass & then send it to them asking Where am I? It’s so much fun waiti... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi


Because the Umpire Rides to the Game...

Our family are avid cyclists. My wife and I honeymooned by bicycle. We take family cycle-trips. We are also fans - and players - of Baseball. We regularly Cycle for three baseball reasons. ... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story The long way round.

The long way round.

Now that the weather has improved somewhat I have taken back to two wheels for my commute. To say that the quickest route is a little (boring, congested, dangerous. Pick one or all three) would be ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Bruges / Amsterdam

Bruges / Amsterdam

Voyage à vélo entre Bruges et Amsterdam en 7 jours. Défi relevé! Très fière de cette expérience unique!

Topic: Mon endroit/itinéraire préféré pour faire du vélo


Feel good

I started to cycle in May for Bike month at work, I thought I was just doing it for fun but it's great exercise and I always feel good after my rides. I'm not going too far but 3-4 miles but it's ... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Le chemin du roy

Le chemin du roy

En juillet dernier, mon amie Danielle post sur son Facebook qu'elle venait de faire un beau 15 km sur le long du fleuve a la hauteur de St-Jean Port Joli. Ça faisait déjà un petit moment que secrèt... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Fun, fitness & shopping

Fun, fitness & shopping

Amazing what things you see when cycling solo!!

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story eurovelo 1 here i come

eurovelo 1 here i come

Well where to begin, border book store and i spy a touring book, eurovelo 1 it looks great, so dust of my touring bike (steel frame) some new tyres and splash of oil on the chain and let the adven... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo


J'ai troqué ma voiture pour un vélo!

Je roule a vélo depuis quelques années. J'ai du faire un choix monétaire. Je suis complètement accro! Dépendant de la température, je choisi: marche, vélo ou transport en commun. Quand arrive la... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story 'Countryside Beauty' by Tender Leaf

"Countryside Beauty" by Tender Leaf

So we (the Sacramento TMA) worked with the Department of Water Resources (one of our members) to throw a bike repair event for employees in the Natural Resources Building today. During the 3 hour ... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo


Reunion with an old friend.

I grew up riding my bike. I would zip around my small town on and off road. With friends and on my own. My bike and I were inseparable. When I was on my bike, I knew joy. A joy I haven't felt in y... Lire la suite

Topic: Ma première fois en vélo depuis des années


Voyage des noces

1 soirée de contes 2 petits échanges 3 randonées en ville 4 saisons d'amour 5 secondes pour dire oui! 6 mois de preparatifs 700 km en vélo-camping 8 h de route tous les jours 9 semaines en... Lire la suite

Topic: Mon histoire d'amour avec le vélo

Image for story Trinity Hospice Charity Ride - Fylde Coast 2023

Trinity Hospice Charity Ride - Fylde Coast 2023

A great turn out with the Fylde Coasters Cycling Club, supporting their local charity. The Club is free to join. We meet at weekends rear of The Elk, in Poulton-le-Fylde and also do mid week meande... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre

Image for story a mari usque ad mare pour #VéloSP

a mari usque ad mare pour #VéloSP

Jonathan Allenger arrive de Vancouver à vélo et passera à St Lazare (Vaudreuil-Soulanges ) le 13 Juin et à Montréal le 14 juin 2023. ensuite , Trois Rivières, Lévi et Rivière du Loup, avant de cont... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story 5000 miles cycled!

5000 miles cycled!

🚴 Go me! I’ve cycled the length of Africa! 🚴 A few years ago I got myself an E-bike for my work commute, to do my bit for the planet 🌍 With what I saved on parking the bike had paid for itself i... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi


Fun Neighborhood Ride with Kids

It's been a fun challenge this May which has helped me engage in the fun neighborhood rides with my kids. They are excited about it, so that's a huge win. I'm hoping that it will continue once the ... Lire la suite

Topic: Ride with kids


Gewoon omdat het kan ....

1e x op Texel ..... Mooi eiland, hond is meer dan welkom. Waterbak voor de hond werd gebracht op diverse locaties, fijn gevoel. Ook zeker een fiets eiland, veel toeristen, wind ploegers, zand ha... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre

Challenging the Pavement

First time riding on pavement coming from MTB. I'd say its quite more dangerous.

Topic: Un récit du Défi


Revenir sur la voie de la santé

Je me suis fais opérer pour un genou en Janvier. J’avais juste hâte de monter sur mon vélo. Il a fallu attendre qu’on mon genou pli à 80 degrés. Le 2 avril je débutait le vélo tranquillement. C’est... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre


I love my bike

I moved to Cambridge over ten years ago. The thing I love about Cambridge is I can cycle everywhere. It's funny when I have to walk and it seems to take forever especially on the routes that I usua... Lire la suite

Topic: Mon histoire d'amour avec le vélo

Image for story Mois de MAI

Mois de MAI

Depuis maintenant 3 ans je m'inscris au défit du moi de MAI et pour moi c'est une grande source de motivation, je me surpasse à chaque année, je veux absolument réussir et plus je pédale plus j'ai ... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi


Early help hub ride to our conversation conference!

Today the early help hub attended the our conversation conference. It was decided that we would commute as a group, which was an thoroughly enjoyable and team building experience! Both experienced ... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre

Image for story 75 km and Bike + Rider = 127 years

75 km and Bike + Rider = 127 years

This year I'm upping my game and putting myself outside my comfort zone. I'm not going to climb Monte Zoncolan or Alpe d'Huez but I am going to ride more organised rides instead of just heading out... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre


ontspannen en je hoofd leeg maken ten tijde van corona

na werk eerste dag van coronapandemie gelijk gaan fietsen om me hoofd leeg te maken en niet teveel denken over wat er in ziekenhuis werkplek gebeurt en alles van je af zetten en geen werk mee naar ... Lire la suite

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Sunny Sunday

Sunny Sunday

We had a beautiful sunny day yesterday here in Gloucester so my husband, daughter and I rode along the canal out to Wholly Gelato for an icecream. A really beautiful 25 mile ride in total, a comple... Lire la suite

Topic: Ride with kids

Image for story Riding through nature

Riding through nature

This put a big smile on the face during my morning ride the other day. A doe crossed the road in front of me, and as I approached the crossing I noticed two fawns had ducted low in the grass waitin... Lire la suite

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo

Image for story Beautiful Jersey

Beautiful Jersey

If you haven’t already paid Jersey a visit you must put it on your places to go list… Lots of beautiful scenery & country lanes to explore…beaches & pubs!! Todays ride 25 miles according ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mon endroit/itinéraire préféré pour faire du vélo


Ride to work

I like to ride my bike to work, but not as much as I like to ride my bike from work.

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Out of the Rut

Instead of just going straight down La Rivera Blvd this morning, I jumped up over the levee to see the American River and use the bike trail. It took a few extra miles, some added minutes and drops... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Our Favorite Weekly Ritual

My partner and I just moved to the area and have been excited to explore! One of our favorite things to do on a weeknight is ride to Lake Fayetteville, hit the food truck park, then watch the sunse... Lire la suite

Topic: Mon endroit/itinéraire préféré pour faire du vélo

Image for story Ferry Meadows

Ferry Meadows

I enjoy the ride at Ferry Meadow every time. So many places to see at any time of the year and every time there is something new and interesting.

Topic: Mon endroit/itinéraire préféré pour faire du vélo



I love my bicycle. We are in love.

Topic: Mon histoire d'amour avec le vélo



On 5th Aug 2023, I’ll be riding 1000 miles from Lands End to John O’Groats. I’ve been talking about it for years so I finally took the plunge, booked it and decided to try and raise some cash for L... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo


Give It A Go!

I have always found being able to bicycle places a huge relief when transportation issues become present, and Sacramento is a decent region to bike in. I've always loved just riding!!! When I can g... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story Wine County Ride May 6

Wine County Ride May 6

It was a dreadful morning, but 2,000 riders showed up for the Wine Country ride, leaving from Santa Rosa. I purchased a space from a rider who could no longer participate. It was in the 40's th... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story Safety Day Event at Patterson Aquatic Center on May 6th

Safety Day Event at Patterson Aquatic Center on May 6th

We had a wonderful time on Saturday May 6th, sharing the awareness with the lovely community of Patterson about the May Bike Month Challenge! The community was so warm and enthusiastic. Many local ... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Newman Farmers Market

Newman Farmers Market

Thank you to Ally and the Newman Recreational Department for donating a bike to be raffled off at the farmers market Friday May 5. Congratulations to the WINNER! Thanks to all that stopped by the S... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre