The World

Voici des récits du The World

Lisez des récits et soyez inspiré.e.s! Partagez votre histoire d'amour avec le vélo et inspirez les autres à sortir et à rouler!

Voici des récits de partout dans le monde

Just as good as a car or better

I find I can get to work and back home for lunch and end of day in the same time as a car! With the increase of traffic and road maintenance a bike can slip through it all. Choosing the country t... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Not a 2-way street

Envy, always an issue for me, when I see people with typical work days and a set work place. Why? The ability to bike to work. Having worked hotel shifts of random hours and having to drop off and ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Love the ride

Love the ride

Back on the bike after coming off and fracturing my thumb, riding to work. Not that this would put me off from getting back on the iron horse. Love the ride to work, especially in the nice weathe... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


The start of a day

I get up and think,”Do I ride to work or not”. Well a few thinks come into my mind. First is it going to rain, second, where do I have to be today and those are just a few things that race through ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


It's not as scary as it seems!

It took me a while to start cycling to work but once I did I gained confidence in cycling and love cycling home when the sun is shining! (Not so much fun in the rain!)

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Shropsire to Birmingham Business Park

Fed up of my 55 mile commute from Shropshire to Birmingham Business Park, I looked in to getting an e-bike on the cycle to work scheme. It took a while to choose and I eventually found the biggest... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Broken Bones

Broken Bones

Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of a commute home that put me in hospital for 3 days with broken ribs collar bone and a broken shoulder socket. A white van driver turned across my path as I rod... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Finally got a Cargo Bike- it's electric!

Finally got a Cargo Bike- it's electric!

My family visited Denmark & Barcelona in the last few years, and adored the cycling culture there. We even rented an eCargo bike, but it was very expensive at the start of the pandemic. One yea... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


I should really learn how to fix a flat

A couple of months ago I was commuting by bike to work, about 7 miles there. I got a flat tire on my ride, and I had no idea how to fix it. I had a spare tube in my bad and I started watching a you... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


First actual commute of 2021

#RideFree | First time in the office this year and delighted that it was also my first time on the hilly 25km ride that I was commuting together with my youngest, now at school in Sheffield too for... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Full week commuting

Motivation on a coldndark morning is a low, especially when you have to get out of a nice comfy warm bed. The temptation to put the alarm into snooze and take the car is the easy option. Well thi... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Ode to a Cargo Bike

Ode to a Cargo Bike

There once was a man named Phil, Who cargo-biked up a ruddy big hill, He had no e-assist, But you’ll get the gist, He nearly blacked out while the kids in the front were so chill.

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Do more on two wheels.

Do more on two wheels.

Two wheeled nature spotting.

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Revitalising morning ride

Revitalising morning ride

Such a glorious morning so took a detour to work. A great way to start the day. Felt so much better and ready for a day at work.

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Buy another bike

Buy another bike

Saw a person ride up to the bus stop, fold up their bike, jump on and disappear in under half a minute. I've now got a folding bike too, lovely blue colour, so I drive across the bridge, unfold th... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Love working for a company that accommodates cycling to work!

Love working for a company that accommodates cycling to work!

Dedicated bike parking in the office + shower facilities are awesome benefits of my job <3

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Don’t forget your back up!

Don’t forget your back up!

A couple of months back, I was pedalling home from work in the dark, when my front light cut out. Fortunately, being a Scout leader means I am generally prepared. On my keys, I had a small, but ver... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story My bike is a bat mobile!

My bike is a bat mobile!

My first ride for the AB Challenge was to use my bike to ride out to four field sites that a part of my automatic bat monitoring (ABM) project around Thames. I've placed them at three sites around ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Love to ride

I’ve always loved riding a bike and came some croppers as a teen often after ‘borrowing’ my older brothers bike. But it never stopped me loving it. I bought an E bike this year and after years o... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

I ride an E bike and am also a human

I am now over 60 years of age and still commute to work most days and ride at weekends for the fitness, health benefits and to help out the environment. I have brought an E bike with a motor to ass... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Don't use your car to go to the office.

Don't use your car to go to the office.

It's possible... it just takes longer, but you get the added benefit of a ride to take the edge off of having to drive there. I ride to the park and ride, get on a bus (6' apart with a mask,... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Fietsen in het donker

Ik zou graag foto's willen delen maar dat zijn dan allemaal donkere foto's. Ik vertrek om 06.30 en ga rond 17:00 uur weer naar huis. Beide december ritten dus in het donker. En dus oppassen tijde... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Cadeautje


Om op locatie te werken heb ik op een dag 2 uur extra reistijd, omdat ik een deel van de rit wil fietsen: 12 km naar station Nijmegen, waarvan het grootste deel door het bos. In deze tijd is dat i... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Brrr! Chilly but beautiful!

I admit it... I am a lockdown rider! Started during the first wave - really felt the benefit.... then we moved house ...further away! New challenge to ride to work (17K each way) - but I have start... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Biking to work

Biking to work

It's me and my bike when l bike ride the 4 miles each way to work .sometimes early on the morning when its still dark l travel along the road side, how many people are up and say good morning .On w... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Cargo bike

Cargo bike

Having bought a cargo bike, it's enabled my commute via nursery to be a quicker and easier journey. I love the fact we can also do a food shop on the way home or pop to the park with bits ready for... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Trialling a new route

I’m starting a course tomorrow. I thought I’d take my bicycle there. My usual commute is under four miles but this is between eight and ten depending on the route. I thought I’d try a road route th... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Keep peddling

Keep peddling

Hi there good morning, My name is Simon Millard and I'm fairly new to cycling. Started slowly and bulit it up I'm lucky enough to live in Salisbury so lots of nice routes to get to work each day... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story From motorbike to push bike

From motorbike to push bike

Been commuting by motorbike for a good 7 years. It was the easiest way to get to work and park for free. I started watching mountain bike videos on youtube, just because it looked fun. I didn't kno... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Scenic Route

Scenic Route

Took the long way to work to avoid all the hills and get this view as a reward!

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Bike route Shared path fun

Bike route Shared path fun

Just a usual ride along the bike lane/shared pathway from City Heights to the Kensington area. Avoiding broken glass, trash, human poo, being chased by dangerous dog, drunks, SUV's running stop sig... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Finally rode to work this year

Finally rode to work this year

It's still a little chilly in Iowa. And spring is always windy. But a hot pink down jacket, hi-vis lobster gloves, wool socks and a neck gaiter, and a fleece hat later, I got to see corn juuuuuus... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Riding my kids to school

Riding my kids to school

Now that I'm working from home, I can ride my kids to school on a more regular basis as logistically it is easier riding home than to work after dropping them off. It's a great opportunity for me t... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


getting carreid away on the morning commute

I had an urgent package that needed to be in Liverpool that day. I contemplated a courier service and then my inherent reluctance to spend money kicked in. I am a Black Country Mon and we don't par... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Postman Rich

Postman Rich

I have been working for Royal Mail during the pandemic. I cycle at work each day, saving money, reducing congestion and keeping healthy. #RideFree

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Decided to ditch the car 🚙.....

Decided to ditch the car 🚙.....

Loving commuting from Gateshead to Blyth where I work, saving approximately £40 a week in fuel and loosing weight, win win. Time wise not a great deal of difference average about 50 min in the car ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Beach view

Beach view

My Commute to work takes me along the new bike lane from Uphill and along the prom. With the weather so nice this week, the air has been fresh, the tide in (well, visable) and there have been p... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story E-bike changes my journey to work

E-bike changes my journey to work

Before the cycle boost scheme loaned me a bike, I would jog to work, occasionally cycle or drive. However, several accidents on busy roads did not endear me to cycling. The e-bike broadened my opt... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Cycle to work

I cycle to work and it is a real joy in the morning to feel the fresh air, especially as it is all downhill on the way to work - I can coast into work in about 5 minutes time. When I arrive there a... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story What a great way to start and end my work day.

What a great way to start and end my work day.

I decided to treat myself to an ebike 2 years ago. My thinking was if I commuted one day a week to work it would take one car off the road. I have been commuting to work at least 4 days a week this... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Hard work but worth it.

I have not done much cycling over the last two years as my road bike is broken. I made up my mind to try doing my 7.2 miles commute on my mountain bike. I was feeling the difference not cycling was... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Always wear a helmet

Always wear a helmet

Commuting to work on the 1st February like I have done many times a van pulled right out on me , hit me full on !!! . It could of been a lot worse if I wasn’t wearing a helmet !!!!’

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Years in thr saddle

Years in thr saddle

I love to ride my cycle. I have rode cycles for so many years. But since moving north. I started cycling to work everyday. I have been doing the same route now for nearly 17 years. In all the weat... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


amazing brompton rides

I bought my first brompton over 2 years ago when my car broke down and before I bought my next car. I was commuting to work on bike. I rode bike to one place of work and rode the bike to take tram ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Be Careful Fellow Commuters!

I feel like drivers are more distracted this past week than usual. I’ve had many more near misses the last few days and was even hit (while I was stopped at a stop sign). Whatever the case or the c... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Fiets met spatborden

Fiets met spatborden

Omdat ik vorig jaar dichter bij huis ging werken, kon ik nu lekker vaak op de fiets naar het werk. Via het fietsplan kon ik met wat voordeel een fiets aanschaffen. Ik had een prima en gave fiets (i... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Cadeautje


Om op locatie te werken heb ik op een dag 2 uur extra reistijd, omdat ik een deel van de rit wil fietsen: 12 km naar station Nijmegen, waarvan het grootste deel door het bos. In deze tijd is dat i... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story I almost got killed today

I almost got killed today

What the heck. Honestly, I said a lot more than that at the time! A driver just tried to kill me. They saw me and purposely swerved and pushed me into the curb. I have a rear view camera, guess who... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Cycling in December

5.5 miles on a nice fresh, dry morning - best way to start the day at work, but it would have been fun to carry on past the factory!

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Hart-Miller Island: Commuting to Work as a Seasonal Park Ranger

Hart-Miller Island: Commuting to Work as a Seasonal Park Ranger

"Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!" The sounds of a drawbridge will always elicit a thrill, carrying me back to the month-long cruises of my teen years, with my Dad and family on a 28 foot sloop under sail ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo