The World

Voici des récits du The World

Lisez des récits et soyez inspiré.e.s! Partagez votre histoire d'amour avec le vélo et inspirez les autres à sortir et à rouler!

Image for story En selle pour le 48hrs vélo Make-A-Wish

En selle pour le 48hrs vélo Make-A-Wish

Récemment pationné de vélo, je décide de me lancer et de formé une équipe de 6 afin de participé à l événement. Cyclistes occasionnels tout comme débutants, qui se magasinaient un vélo encore 6 sem... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story Sunday bike ride.

Sunday bike ride.

A Sunday bike ride with the view of the Pacific Ocean.

Topic: Un récit du Défi


Un défi mensuel qui débute bien la saison🤩

Le vélo a toujours été pour moi une source de recueillement et souvent individuelle. Je réalise combien de partager ces moments avec la famille est d’autant plus grandissant et inspirant! Un été qu... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi


Finding my way to Runcorn

Starting a new and finding my over the many proposed routes has driven up my time in the saddle.
Now finally cracked it! 30.54 miles round trip and hope to smash the 1 hour barrier soon.
Th... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Cycling To Work

I cycle to and from work every day Monday to Friday without fail unless if I have a problem with m bike and it needs a repair. The cycle to work involves a lovely cycle route along Morecambe Prom t... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


Ca fesait 2 ans

Ça fesait 2 ans que je n'avais pas fait de vélo pour aller a la job. J'ai fait une mise au point de mon vélo de ville et j'y suis aller et revenu et j'ai vraimentt bien dormi cette nuit la!

Topic: Ma première fois en vélo depuis des années

Image for story Grande traversée des liens Qc>Lévis avec enfants 6 et 8 ans

Grande traversée des liens Qc>Lévis avec enfants 6 et 8 ans

Limoilou > Traversier vers Lévis > Pont de Québec > Promenade Champlain ­> Limoilou (maison) : par un beau dimanche (14 mai), ma petite famille a fait la grande traversée, ponctuée d'ar... Lire la suite

Topic: Ride with kids



Everyday after work I look forward to an eleven mile ride. It calms me down after a day of work and a traffic filled commute. Give it a try, ride half way take a break then ride the second half. Af... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story De Fiets naar je werk week is van start!

De Fiets naar je werk week is van start!

Van 22-29 mei organiseren wij de Fiets naar je werk week! Met elke woon-werk rit die je registreert maak je kans op een Weekendje Weg! Fiets je met ons mee?

💰 Bespaar geld - breng je vervo... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Bruges-Amsterdam


Faire l'expérience d'un circuit vélo-bateau c'est une belle aventure. Ni le vent ni la pluie ne nous ont empêché d'apprécier ce parcours aux paysages fabuleux. Le groupe était sympathique et nous... Lire la suite

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo


It's Easier Than Parenting!

Come on everyone! Get out of the car and ride the bike. Aside from all the obvious reasons that riding a bike is better than driving a car, have you ever thought...Wow, this is easier than paren... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story Nudgee Beach, Queensland, Australia

Nudgee Beach, Queensland, Australia

I live on the northside of Brisbane and am blessed with many great cyclepaths alongside rivers or through wetlands. I never get tired of the scene, I might even get in some birdwatching!

Topic: Mon endroit/itinéraire préféré pour faire du vélo

Image for story Journey by Bike: A Route to Fun, Fellowship and Fitness

Journey by Bike: A Route to Fun, Fellowship and Fitness

My favorite city route, takes me from Palmer Park in Detroit to Belle Isle and back. I get there several different ways, but what I love is that every route allows me to see magnificent architectu... Lire la suite

Topic: Mon endroit/itinéraire préféré pour faire du vélo

Image for story Ciclorecreovía - Santiago

Ciclorecreovía - Santiago

Every morning sunday, the city streets are available for cycling, running, skaters, etc. It's a great opportunity for enjoy sports with family and friends!

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo


Laissez les bons temps rouler...

Depuis 2021, je participe au défi : Mois de mai en vélo. Je n'ai pas manqué une journée de vélo en 124 jours (4x31 jours) et j'ai roulé plus de 1000km sans assistance électrique à chacun des défis.... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Erocia California - Piedras Blancas Route

Erocia California - Piedras Blancas Route

From Cambria, CA, headed north along beautiful (a little fog, and cool temperature) coastline. Past San Simeon, Hearst Castle and mountains to the east. Also, the elephant seals on the way to the ... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Slimbridge to Thornbury

Slimbridge to Thornbury

A favourite cycle route. Smooth, quiet lanes in the countryside. Free carpark at Slimbridge then swap the car for the bike. Good day out.

Topic: Mon endroit/itinéraire préféré pour faire du vélo

Image for story Great to be back helping others enjoy riding their bikes

Great to be back helping others enjoy riding their bikes

Changing jobs lead to not being able to lead rides anymore, but I'm trying to make time and still want to help others get out and cycle. Happy miles all round .

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo


Riding to School

Its a bit far to Ride to work, but as part of the bike month challenge, when i work from home i take the kids into school on their bikes. My son has been really motivated by the challenge and logg... Lire la suite

Topic: Ride with kids

Image for story A different place to work & ride

A different place to work & ride

I worked out the train stops nearest. Checked my sat nav & alternatives. Asked my boss where my bike could be stored safely. My clothing I could both cycle & wear at work. Challenge was on ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo

Image for story Patrouille policière à Vélo !

Patrouille policière à Vélo !

Pour la troisième année consécutive, en tant que policier communautaire, je fais du vélo.

Au départ comme but de faire de la prévention et de la visibilité sur le réseau cyclable, j'ai ra... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi


Ride for fun

Today is nice cool day to ride your bike with my son in the back

Topic: Ride with kids

Image for story The sun has got its hat on ☀️🌞

The sun has got its hat on ☀️🌞

What a difference the sun makes when out cycling…. 22 miles this morning & look how clear France is from St Catherine’s…
Keep bouncing back & forward from E-bike to my manual… love them... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Touring the Three Counties on my Dawes Supergalaxy

Touring the Three Counties on my Dawes Supergalaxy

I bought the Dawes last year as I had had an accident with the Boardman that I had purchased with a Cycle to Work scheme. I needed a replacement that was suitable for my commute to Wolverhampton. M... Lire la suite

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo


Biking again

After not biking for years I got a work email in2019 about the bike challenge. So I participated. Been on the bike ever since. When Covid hit, Riding became my way of relieving stress, getting exer... Lire la suite

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Day 31 of National Bike Month!

Day 31 of National Bike Month!

We saved today as the last day of National Bike Month to tour about on our tandem. With insta360X camera, my copilot and I headed out in a headwind, rode a close golf course on the cart paths, had ... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi


Voici des récits de partout dans le monde

Niall's Cycling Journey

I’m Niall, originally from Ireland, but I’ve been living in East Renfrewshire for the past 14 years. I’ve always enjoyed being active, and cycling has become a big part of my routine—whether it's f... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story Glorious Commute!

Glorious Commute!

So lucky to be spoiled with cycle paths. My whole glorious commute this morning was on designated cycle track. What a fabulous way to start the day.

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story A long held dream (almost) fulfilled

A long held dream (almost) fulfilled

When I was a kid I would watch out the car window on the boring trip from home in Central Otago to Dunedin, reckoning that I could ride my bike to town instead. So much better.

Nowadays th... Lire la suite

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo

Image for story On not looking 'like a cyclist'

On not looking "like a cyclist"

Isn't it interesting that, in sports-mad New Zealand, many people think it's absurd to get on a bike and ride three blocks to the dairy, when you could just drive? I mean, who would do that?!
<... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo


Nepenthe and me

I woke up this morning and what did I see the clouds of winter smiling at me beckoning me come ride before I cry and this rain squeezes out of me the adrenaline pumping through me the chemicals in ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mon histoire d'amour avec le vélo

Stolen while swimming

My green Scott 21’ frame just was taken today outside Colchester leisure world between 1-:30-3pm while I was at work, please keep an eye out it is registered with police and I had brand new lights ... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre

Image for story Living life as a cyclist

Living life as a cyclist

The start or should I say serious start of my cycling adventure began in Ernest after my father's funeral four years ago . He loved to cycle his flying scot bike in the rain and did Edinburgh to Gl... Lire la suite

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo



Today, Sunday, and this morning‘s ride through Corralitos Ca. The sunshine the fresh air and the alluring smell of apple cider as I ride through the dormant apple orchards eminently prompting a fee... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story Keep the smiles coming

Keep the smiles coming

I cycle commute as much as I ever can...
Outside those usual times I wear silly costumes as I have been doing for 4 years now, everything from a Stormtrooper, a 100k race on my single speed dre... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre

Image for story Disabled? They said it was impossible.  They were wrong!

Disabled? They said it was impossible. They were wrong!

They said I couldn't. They said I shouldn't. But here I am, cycling with Ehlers-Danlos, CRPS, Chronic Fatigue... the list goes on! 🚴‍♀️ But I don't let it stop me.

Walking might be a s... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre

Image for story A new riding region.

A new riding region.

I am in Southland exploring the region.
Going on the long dusty backroads.
It has been a glorious way to see the landscape.

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo

Image for story Another Reason to Ride

Another Reason to Ride

I decided to add stops to my bike rides to take photos of film locations. I had ridden by many of these locations without realizing it.
If I were driving, parking would be difficult, but on my... Lire la suite

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo

Image for story Zoom Zoom

Zoom Zoom

Ditto Day at the Lab for a Sunday Funday with my beloved. Wore out the pocket rocket with an extended ride and me making her take the lead, but a fortuitous Southerly change gave her a nice tailwin... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre

Image for story Some place different - Otaki

Some place different - Otaki

Was in the area of Otaki and went for a quick bike around. Found the river trail and explored that from one end to the other. Great easy ride and the locals have done well with making the trail be... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre

Image for story Beach fun with my buddy

Beach fun with my buddy

My friend Zara came to visit and we did an epic ride in Christchurch, along the river to the beach.... well was going epically until we got a puncture. We foolishly had no pump, so chained up the b... Lire la suite

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo

Someone stole my seat post and all!

I bike to work year round and I have done so for about 8 years. I have had a locked bike stolen from a bike rack while at work.
I felt shocked and couldn't think what to do at first, but insura... Lire la suite

Topic: Mes trajets quotidiens à vélo


The essence of prosperity

The dormant trees, the fallen leaves, the sun piercing through the winter sky oh the energy. The feeling we share electrifying the light in me to Avalon. My bicycle has taken me the Virtuous feelin... Lire la suite

Topic: Mon histoire d'amour avec le vélo

Image for story What I wear instead of hi-viz

What I wear instead of hi-viz

Most Saturday mornings I put this on and head out to do Parkrun. I hope it encourages others to think about such choices ❤️🚴👏

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

The essence of prosperity

The dormant trees, the fallen leaves, the sun piercing through the winter sky , oh the energy the feeling we share electrifying the light in me. To Avalon my bicycle has taken me, the virtuous feel... Lire la suite

Topic: Encouragez d'autres personnes à faire du vélo

Image for story Little River runner

Little River runner

This red bike has been my favourite and stopping in at the old train station the colours were too hard not to photograph. I have aero bars (not sure why) and so my aeroe handlbar harness kept slidi... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi


Beauty of bicycle riding

My bicycle riding, the taste,the flavor let it be, heart pumping blood circulating the air whizzing the birds singing, the sun shining, the fog reeling in the salty ocean feeling, the magic of the... Lire la suite

Topic: Un récit du Défi

Image for story Use your bike to meet people!

Use your bike to meet people!

An unusual bicycle gets attention and starts conversations. Back in 1997, I needed a bike, as mine kept getting stolen, even though they were all second-hand and not fancy. I'd recently read M... Lire la suite

Topic: Autre


My ebike's brand still exists and is doing great

I bought my ebike from a relatively obscure ebike company in 2018, mainly because it was extremely affordable on a student salary, and it was a New Zealand company. The nearest shop that sold them ... Lire la suite

Topic: Mon histoire d'amour avec le vélo

Image for story Timber Trail awesomeness

Timber Trail awesomeness

One of the best trails I've ever experienced. Challenged myself to do the whole thing in one day. Stopped at the camp site half way for a photo, no turning back now. So many great views of our spec... Lire la suite

Topic: Un bon souvenir en vélo