The World

Historias de The World

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Historias de The World

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Historias de todo el mundo

Image for story Commuting Carbon Neutral

Commuting Carbon Neutral

I drive an electric car but as everyone knows it still takes fossil fuels to operate. Luckily, even with everything factored in, it has less than 1/3 the carbon footprint of gas cars. I discovered ... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Many Bicycling Benefits of The Peoples Food Co-op Kalamazoo

Many Bicycling Benefits of The Peoples Food Co-op Kalamazoo

The People’s Food Co-op (PFC [address removed]) has, since its inception, supported a way of life that includes and promotes practical cycling. For many years the PFC has sold (for $5 no less!) an... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Amazing Ebikes for hire on Talbot Road

Amazing Ebikes for hire on Talbot Road

Last week I met John from Blackpool eBike Hire in his amazing shop on Talbot Road. He's recently unearthed a piece of Blackpool history on his walls and uncovered a beautiful set of original tiling... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Running Errands

I cycled up to the local shops to return a faulty product. No parking problems plus the mall I visit offers safe bike parking which is very helpful.
When I was completing my transaction a gent... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Unlikely cyclists

Unlikely cyclists

Before we bought a cargo bike at the end of 2019 I rarely rode a bike for transport, and especially not on the road. I was nervous of riding a new bike, nervous of riding anywhere new, and I would ... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Moving house by bike!

Moving house by bike!

At the end of January, a few days after the full on flash flood, my partner and I moved house by bike!
We invited a bunch of awesome friends with cargo bikes and bike trailers to come and help... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Improve the environment

Reduce CO2 emission by cycling 100 miles a week to work ...... Yes. I did it!!!!

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Salty about paying hospital visitor parking

Salty about paying hospital visitor parking

My husband is in the hospital and since I bike there I’ve saved hundreds of dollars in visitor parking just this month. I even brought his duffle bag to him on my bike.
Plus the exercise and... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story UC staff reach their goal to save 5000km of co2 during the challenge

UC staff reach their goal to save 5000km of co2 during the challenge

Cyclists have taken UC to victory again. Aotearoa Bike Challenge – 1st education sector! 237 staff cycled 46,315 kms! It’s not about winning though 😊, the UC team saved 5292kg of co2, reduced road ... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Low-carbon commutes

Late last year I got an ebike and it’s been a game changer in terms of how I choose to get around. It’s a beast, it can go up to 45km an hour!! And it’s meant I can get to work in 20 minutes, no co... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story it stopped raining :)

it stopped raining :)

I decided to head out to work because there's COVID testing there. A line out the door still and people just kept showing up -- open 9 to 4 and it was 2:30. Like last week, first - timers in ... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Special tour of Allied Cycles

Special tour of Allied Cycles

We got to see carbon fiber bikes being built!

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


An E-Bike Makes Commuting a Dream!

I have always loved riding my bike to work but on a hot day, biking to the office can be a tough ask. This year I bought an e-bike and it has completely changed my commuting game. Now I can ride to... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story I've got a great idea! Have you now?

I've got a great idea! Have you now?

It all starts along time ago in a far away place. I am a proud owner of a tadpole trike a fun, not that fast but fun, if you define fun as rolling in the company carpark after doing a rather cool h... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


I Love To Ride

I don't really have a specific story. I simply ride because it's good for the environment, good for my wallet, good for my mental and physical health, and I enjoy it.

It would be amazing ... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Three wheels better than two?

Three wheels better than two?

It started in a quest to increase efficiency. I'm the Conservation Organizer for Sierra Club and my work is centered on Climate Crisis solutions. One big place we can reduce GHGs is how we travel... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Chance meeting

In 2015 I was wearing a T-Shirt from a charity ride at a highschool polo event. A woman I didn't know came up to me and said she did that ride. Long short, she invited me to ride with her and her... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Cycling for work

Cycling for work

This January we got a brand new electric cargo bike at work to help deliver food to people in need. It means I'm doing loads more cycling and feeling great. Although it's an electric assisted bike,... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Riding to Port Waikato

Every year I go out to camp at Port Waikato for a week in January.
We went car free in 2019, so when the PW trip came around we looked at riding - train to Pukekohe and then ride from there via... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


You're never too old!

To celebrate my husband's 80th birthday last month, the family helped us buy two new e-bikes. We've both ridden ordinary hybrid bikes for years and managed 25 miles fairly comfortably even in hilly... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


School Run!

We are loving doing the school run on our bikes! We avoid the traffic, the parking nightmare and we arrive with a smile!

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Keep on keeping on

Keep on keeping on

From the 15th of September, during #CycleSeptember, I decided I would cycle every day of the month.
But I wish I did start at the beginning of the month.
However, I decided I would still cy... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Saturday morning carbon crushing

Saturday morning carbon crushing

Rushing to meet some friends for a road ride on Saturday I noticed the headset was loose. I grabbed the Allen keys and got adjusting keeping one eye on the clock. In my haste, I overtightened the b... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Blood Doning by Bike

I gave blood the other day, and used my bike (it's allowed! …. as long as you don't push too hard after donating). Donor sessions are always busy and it's often difficult to park your car - cyclin... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


A better place

When the unthinkable happened and the roads fell quiet, it was a unique glimpse of what is possible, of the world we could have. The birds sounded louder, the air tasted sweeter and cycling was saf... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story 1000 miles + in July

1000 miles + in July

I have a bucket list ride coming up in October, the Garden Route in South Africa. So need to get some mileage in the legs. Having been restricted by a few health issues and of course the poor weath... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story #EveryDayCyclingFife


The Everyday Cycling Fife campaign launched at Tree in the Park on Saturday, 25th May, to encourage Fifers to get out on their bikes for everyday journeys.
Getting more people out of cars and o... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story ENVECO Blackpool launches fleet of Jorvik Tricycles!

ENVECO Blackpool launches fleet of Jorvik Tricycles!

From ENVECO's blog
"Europe’s leading tricycle manufacturer, Jorvik Tricycles has partnered with Enveco NW Environmental Services, to provide them with a range of tricycles to improve its stree... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Retiring the Car, Embracing the E-Bike

Back in April, my car developed a fault for which I couldn't find any spare parts. In addition, there were other issues, mostly not fixed due to parts unavailability. After a few months of trying... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Christchurch City Council repping it on rainy days!

Christchurch City Council repping it on rainy days!

It's so great to see Te Hononga bike shed is still chokka even on a rainy day :)

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Rail~Volution Throwback Thursday

Rail~Volution Throwback Thursday

Rail~volution (now MPact!) brought a group of conference attendees from Miami to West Palm Beach on the Brightline, our local higher speed train. A strong group of local leaders all brought togethe... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Un mois de vélo boulot... Non! Un an

Je fais du vélo boulot depuis le mois de ...avril 2021. Je me suis procurer un vélo d'hiver en Novembre 2021, parce que La pandémie, parce que le train en panne, parce que le temps fou de me rendre... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


What is a good ride

When I get home from a ride, my wife asks how it went. My best response, "No falls, no flats, no fixes."

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Changing mindset and changing behaviour for sustainability

Changing mindset and changing behaviour for sustainability

Just before the pandemic, I did an audit:
1. My car sits near the train station all day, 5 days/week.
2. I occasionally travel on the weekends nowadays, instead of every other weekend as I ... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Taking the train to get a Devon & Cornwall Railcard

Taking the train to get a Devon & Cornwall Railcard

Today was the fourth time than I've taken my bike on the train. This time I bought a Devon & Cornwall Railcard at Barnstaple station. Chulmleigh has beauty rolling hills with views to Dartmoor ... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Riding to volunteer at DWT Uppacott Wood

Riding to volunteer at DWT Uppacott Wood

Learning to cycle means I can volunteer on nature reserves. There are no nature reserves within walking distance of our home in Chulmleigh. Learning to ride last year has increased my opportunities... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Local bikes only

Local bikes only

Riding home from the factory where you and your friends make bikes, on those bikes, what could be better?

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Eccentric


Well my car only does 35mpg on short runs, so i wanted to make my commute quicker and more pleasant so I modified my trike and put and electric motor on it. No more horrible headwinds and carrying ... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


My personal challenge.

About 8 years (and 20,000+ miles each) ago, my wife and I set ourselves a personal challenge, to use our cars as little as possible. We only have the one car now, which is only used for long journe... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Cycle to the estuary

Cycle to the estuary

On World Bicycle Day, we cycled along the glorious Exe Estuary Cycle Path to Lympstone. With our son in the trailer (alongside his bucket and spade) - we ditched the busy Exeter roads and opted for... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


We ditched the car - and love it!

We made the leap and scrapped our car last May - now our bikes and trailer have become our car. We still hire cars if we need to travel further afield (both sets of parents live in the middle of no... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story carrying bikes on  a bike

carrying bikes on a bike

I am involved in the Aranui Bike Fixup which receives old bikes which we restore and pass on to locals in Aranui who need them. I had six collected up and had to transport them 6km to the workshop,... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Fossil Fuel Free Coast to Coast to Coast

Fossil Fuel Free Coast to Coast to Coast

I'm really looking forward to the 2021 starting 19th Feb. We transport our kayaks by bike from Christchurch to Arthurs Pass using tandem bikes, then onto the West Coast and back doing the Minga De... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Winner of the Carbon Crushers £300 voucher - How I spent it :)

Winner of the Carbon Crushers £300 voucher - How I spent it :)

I was lucky enough to win a £300 voucher by submitting my Carbon Crushers story about how since August I have ditched my petrol car and have been navigating life by using my bike, bus and on occasi... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Are small e-cargo bikes the future?

Are small e-cargo bikes the future?

My car has been replaced by a small e-cargo bike ( I like to think of it as a utility bike) for almost all of my local journeys, and quite a few not so local trips too. My daughter has recently bou... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Shopping by recumbent bike

Shopping by recumbent bike

As i had been very much enjoying the cleaner lockdown air, i thought i'd do my bit to help keep it that way. I adapted a regular bike trailer to fit the back of my Kingcycle recumbent bike, and did... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Cycle September Musing

Great News Love to Ride Cycle September
Always good to get people out cycling
Activity keeps you much healthier
I’m out three, four times a week, not working
Set a goal, twelve hu... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Cycle rather than drive

I needed to pick a few things up from the local shopping centre about 5 miles from home. Usually I would jump in the car but yesterday decided to donn cycling gear! Felt really good except for the ... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono

Image for story Gravel bike ride home from work

Gravel bike ride home from work

With the nights drawing in and the 🍁 rain debris on the road I have switched from a road bike to a Giant Revolt Gravel bike and I love it 😻 just need the mudguards fitting as I hate being dirty ...... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono


Cycle to Gym

After prompting from my Love to Ride 'Team Leader' I started cycling to and from the gym during the love to ride month to pick up 'Day' points. Since the end of love to ride month I have cont... Leer más

Topic: Trituradores de carbono