The World

Stories from The World

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Stories from around the world

Lockdown made fitter and I lost 3 stone

With the gyms being shut and having to social distance. I decided to make use of my mountain bike that had been kept in a shed since I brought it on the nhs cycle scheme.

After a few week... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story The PEOPLE....

The PEOPLE....

My first, and still functional, but only slightly used, email address is: [address removed] may email me, if you like.
I teach Physical Education and it all stands for.....
Physica... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Seeing the changes over time

Biking during CoVid-19 has been interesting. It started out with everything empty. Few or no cars and no one outside. Then after a few months seeing an uptick in construction which seemed to pop up... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Exploring Fife and beyond

Exploring Fife and beyond

I’ve lived in Dunfermline for over twenty years and before that Edinburgh. Most of my cycling has been back and forth between the two for work and the odd ride along a local track.

Since t... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Miles=Smiles on my Peloton

Miles=Smiles on my Peloton

I've ridden >350 (virtual!) miles on my Peloton bike in June; pretty pleased with that!

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Tuesday Sanity Check

Tuesday Sanity Check

While travelling is still tricky and we're both a bit nervous about being around too many people, my daughter and I have been doing weekly Tuesday bike rides. I'm taking one day off work every week... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Can cycling stop the coronavirus?

Can cycling stop the coronavirus?

During the pandemic it has been really humbling to hear of the hard work of so many in the NHS and other important services. It left me wondering how I could help.

One obvious way was to u... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Coffee and cake

Coffee and cake

I first met my friend Chris about 40 years ago. For the last 20 of these years we have shared the occasional bike ride, typically between 10 and 20 miles.

Lockdown 1 threw a spanner in th... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Faking it!

Despite and since wfh during the lockdowns I have continued my commute as a fake commute ensuring I do the outbound and inbound mileage in a round trip. The trick is to vary the route so the ride d... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Good to be back

Finally it is good to get out with club again.

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Dust off that bike! #WomenWhoRide

Dust off that bike! #WomenWhoRide

When lockdown was announced in March 2020 my first thought was how am I going to exercise with gyms being closed? And so I dusted off my bike in the garage and started to explore the local area. Mo... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Goals in a covid world

Since the start of the initial lockdown in the U.K. i have been riding more than at anytime in my life.
I set my goals (distance) wise based on missions on another app and so far have ridden vi... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Northern Ireland alternative for Covid Era bike tour

Northern Ireland alternative for Covid Era bike tour

If your planned trip to sunnier climes has been cancelled or deferred because of covid travel restrictions. I can recommend Northern Ireland.
Quiet roads, lovely scenery, respectful drivers an... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story First ever 100km Ride

First ever 100km Ride

As the British summer seems to have vanished temporarily I wanted to share my ride from two weeks ago when the sun was shining!

First time I'd ever cycled 100km after starting cycling last... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Getting the wind up

My wife and I aren't used to longer rides but last year we decided to cycle across the New Forest to avoid public transport. We had booked a short stay in Fordingbridge and we took the most direct ... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Keeping the same challenge

Keeping the same challenge

One benefit to last year was the lack of cars on the road so with that and the great weather we had it gave me a chance to really get into cycling I managed to do 3000 miles for the year which was ... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


The Outlaw

Most of 1st lockdown I must of cycled and average of 5 hours a day for fun and exercise. The fun was being out the house, the Mother-in -law was isolating with us for 12 whole long weeks, the exerc... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Who would have thought?

[address removed]

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Back on the bike

My son, Luke has got right into cycling following back surgery and loves it, I ventured out with him yesterday for 8 miles which was a hard slog for me as it's been nearly 12 months since I was las... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Those were good times...

This might be an unpopular opinion, but for me, lockdown had its beauty. Especially when it comes to cycling. Usually when out on the street, I have to face the anger of "car-people" that cut you o... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Bayshore Bikeway

Bayshore Bikeway

I moved to Imperial Beach from the Imperial Valley in 1993. (From the desert to the beach). One of the first things I did when I arrived here is I bought a beach cruiser and I rode all around San D... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Zo veel mogelijk bewegen

Afgelopen maandag ging ik weer aan de slag na 2 weken meivakantie. Ik had veel afspraken en veel werk dat nog lag te wachten, dus ik zat de hele dag achter mijn beeldscherm, zonder veel onderbrekin... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Beautiful Britain By Bike - Day 1

Beautiful Britain By Bike - Day 1

The North Wessex Downs.
I'm on annual leave so am taking the opportunity to explore a few new places. After a 75 minute commute to Pangbourne, we set off to explore the quiet country lanes of W... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Doctor for me

I got my second Covid jab when on bike in full cycling gear, you would think by the looks of people sit there cycling wear was not aloud

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Couldn't go anywhere but we could bike!

Couldn't go anywhere but we could bike!

Last summer we took out first family bike trip. Up the east coast of Lake Michigan. Ten days total with a couple of zero days. Camped the entire way and even took the dog. Our 10 year old was a mo... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Cycle 100 Miles in June for Dementia UK

I tend to do charity things for Diabetes UK and Dementia UK as my mother had dementia and I have type 1 diabetes, so when I saw the "Cycle 100 Miles in June" challenge for Dementia UK, I dusted off... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story To the unexplore cycling route

To the unexplore cycling route

With my hubby going along the Pari River Bank. The bushes made me feel uncomfortable while pedalling. The unseen path made me worried will be trapped into any hidden hole or drain. But it's fun an... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story From Stockport to Scotland

From Stockport to Scotland

I thought it would be a great idea to cycle from Stockport to Scotland in order to wildcamp with some mates and avoid taking a 6 hour car journey over the border, so I did!

Day 1 consisted... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Tour de Cornwall!

Tour de Cornwall!

My husband Harry & I have just completed the penultimate stage of our very own tour around Cornwall! We're cycling all around the peninsula with our our rucksacks on our backs, up & down th... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Commuting to Touring

Commuting to Touring

Frequently, while driving through the west and Midwest my family would pass cyclists going and coming across the mountains and the plains. I always wanted to take a shot at Colorado and ... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Please say hello .............. it means alot

Just reached a goal of 1000 in the June bike challenge. Stopped at the top of Cherry Willingham by-pass bridge and cheered to myself. Despite the challenge, it means more to me when someone gree... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


4000 Miles for 40

Lockdown has been tough on me and my family, so I'm trying to keep moving and positive, cycling and running are big outlets for that, a time to unwind and switch off, part of that has been to fundr... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story The ultimate screen break

The ultimate screen break

his last year has been hard, with bereavement and my mum having (and thankfully beating) cancer, home schooling, and all the other challenges of lockdown. My role has meant I’ve been one of the for... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Fresh Air

Fresh Air

Cycling during the pandemic has meant less cars on the road, meaning fresher air :) and also safer roads..!

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

New places, new friends, new bike.

I've been commuting to work by bike for a little over 3 years, which has changed my perceptions of cycling from a sport, to a necessity. I've been a rider since I could balance on two wheels, and I... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Cycling in ladies Breeze groups

Cycling in ladies Breeze groups

In recent months, I have been struggling with low mood and anxiety related to big changes happening at work. Cycling has really helped me unwind and switch off for a few hours each week. But it is ... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


From prog rock to the New Forest

Pandemics are not good things I know. However the prospect of being locked in last March, with no prospect of exercise prompted me to put some effort in. From running up and down the drive listenin... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Building energy for biking

I would love to say before I contracted Covid I was an avid cyclist. But, I don't lie and neither would my bike if you saw it.
Cycling to work a few times a week, weather permitting of course(a... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Mental Health and cycling

Mental Health and cycling

Covid-19 lockdown affected me in a way that I never thought it would. It brought back memories of being in isolation and made my depression and anxiety much worse. I started cycling to help clear m... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era




Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story I’ve just sold my car!

I’ve just sold my car!

After cycling to work for a year and using only one family car we decided it was time to part with my micra! It had been sat unused for over a year due to the pandemic, and it made me realise didn’... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


My daily commute

I work for the NHS in a support role, not frontline, and have been working from home since February 2020. I used to commute to various NHS offices for my job, so all this stopped with COVID-19. Ver... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Long time coming.

Long time coming.

I suggested that we should get out riding again after years off our regular riding antics. So myself, my fiancee and my brother ( oh and dog but you can't see him in the pic🐕) travelled along the n... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Cycling for transport, exercise and fun!

Cycling for transport, exercise and fun!

I started cycling during lockdown and now ride most days to work, the shops or to see friends! I'm loving it and have started riding in the evenings to enjoy the sunset.

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era


Riding more or less......?

So, I hear of all those people who have taken up riding a bike since C19 swept in.... That is great! More people cycling is a good thing. Here's the thing though.... how many have actually cycle... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story After shielding

After shielding

It came as something of a shock back in March 2020 to receive the text saying I have to shield and can't go out of my house. Prior to lockdown I'd been commuting to London by bike and train 3 days ... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Cycling in Wales

Cycling in Wales

Wales was out of bounds for English cyclists for many months. Very frustrating for Bristol cyclists, given the enticing sight of the Welsh hills from Bristol and surrounding areas. But understandab... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story My mileage during lockdown

My mileage during lockdown

I know many have had a devastating time recently, there are sad stories all the time on the news, but I have had a wonderful time through it all.

My wife and I gave up alcohol on 31 Dec 19... read more

Image for story How to make Lemonade out of lemons?

How to make Lemonade out of lemons?

This will be the 2nd year that Cascade is not doing STP - and I really wanted to challenge myself to do it on my oldest bike (1980 Univega).
So I set up a Fundraising Challenge to not only do ... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era

Image for story Life saver

Life saver

Biking is a life saver. The pandemic has been extremely hard for me. I am an introvert and being secluded indoors without physical socializing has been a challenge.

I made a deal with mys... read more

Topic: Biking in the Coronavirus Era