Sac Region
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Workplace Profile

City of Yuba City

Our Goal: ride 100 rides by 31st May 2022
Goal Completed
Goal Completed

Top Encouragers

Your Leaderboards


Name Distance Points Day Points Encourager Points Total Points
Total Score 1475 1070 50 2595
Lincoln Eden 550 210 0 760
Wade Kirchner 497 200 0 697
Spencer Morrison 266 230 0 496
Eric England 97 220 0 317
Jurij Potocnik 22 110 0 132

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Name Staff Count Distance Points Day Points Encourager Points Total Points
Administration 5 0 0 0 0
City Council 5 497 200 0 697
Development Services 14 587 270 0 857
Finance/IT 21 267 240 0 507
FIRE 48 97 220 0 317
Human Resources 7 5 20 0 25
Parks and Recreation 0 0 0 0 0
Police 95 0 0 0 0
Public Works 50 22 110 0 132

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Name staff Riders Distance (miles) Trips Transport Trips
Finance/IT 21 3 4865 406 136
Parks and Recreation 0 3 76 22 12
Administration 5 0 0 0 0
Public Works 50 2 27 23 23
Development Services 14 3 1428 73 2
FIRE 48 1 344 39 24
Police 95 0 0 0 0
Human Resources 7 1 855 148 50
City Council 5 1 7304 227 1

Top Riders (Most Miles)

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Top Commuters (Most Miles Riding to Work)

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  • 10,058 People
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  • 7,165,701 Miles
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