Greater Manchester

Stories from Greater Manchester

Read stories and get inspired! Share a cycling story and inspire others to get out and ride!

Image for story UA92 Manchester

UA92 Manchester

Decided to grab my Bike, get myself into Trafford and use it to get to work....

Circa 15 miles each way with Panniers including my Laptop and clothing.
All went well - comfy and great ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Old bike, new route

Old bike, new route

I'm going to teach a colleague to ride at lunchtime, so got my 15year old mountain bike out, cleaned and oiled it and rode to work on it. it's a heavy dependable bike but, being quite a bit slower,... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Twice a day, five days a week

I've now been cycling to work for 9 years,
Most people think I'm crazy, as I cycle in all weathers and all year.
Come rain, snow, hale, wind and sometimes sunshine.
It's all just fun.<... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story The art of the working lunch!

The art of the working lunch!

I ride because bicycles give me freedom.
I’m Ben, and I work for Trafford Council.
I came into the Town Hall today, and for lunch I fancied a bit of a change. I grabbed my sandwiches, hoppe... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Cargo bike

Cargo bike

Having bought a cargo bike, it's enabled my commute via nursery to be a quicker and easier journey. I love the fact we can also do a food shop on the way home or pop to the park with bits ready for... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Save the Planet!

I started cycle commuting in 1984, at the age of 22. I was fed up of waiting in the cold for a bus, and a friend offered to lend me her bike whilst she wasn't using it. I had the luxury of five gea... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Whale of a time

Having not rode a bike in years I bought a bike and cycled to and from work. Found it in Invigorating, fresh, although a little tiring. Will continue to ride, ride, ride.

Topic: My commute by bike


Informe informe they've all got it in for me!

I'm having a week and I'm having a moan and I'm feeling soooo sorry for myself and a little nervous... Monday lovely ride to work.
Tuesday took out by the tram lines! Road cleaning truck in fr... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Cycle-wear for commuters

Summer Commute Cycling - Bike; Sunglasses; Shorts & T-shirt.
Winter Commute Cycling - Bike; Lights; Extra Lights; Extra - Extra lights; Hi-Vis Jacket; Hi-Vis Gloves, Trousers, Shoes, Socks,... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Winding down after a day at work

My job is quite stressful and often I end the day with a long to-do list, lots of questions and some frustration. Jumping on the bike is a great opportunity to sort my head out, get some clarity an... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


The Road is Safer

I'm biking form home (Monton) to Tameside hospital. I've gone various routes across Manchester....I've got to say the safest fastest route has been into MC town centre and up Hyde Road...however do... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Fabulous views, free commute and free exercise

Fabulous views, free commute and free exercise

Every day I cycle along Newcastle / Gateshead Quayside to and from work. The views are great, including:
Robert Stephenson's High Level Bridge (1849) - the world's first double decker bridge (... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Cycling again!

I like to cycle and in the past I used to cycle a lot. After the knee surgery I was unable to cycle all the way to my workplace and than cycle to carry out inspections around Manchester. Cycle Se... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Stories from around the world

My commute is my mental health support

Exercise is great for my mental health. When I am having particular difficult days, taking the scenic route back home (i.e. from the CBD around the bays and Miramar Peninsula to the south coast) is... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story 15 years - 100,000km

15 years - 100,000km

I've been commuting to work for 15 years with at least one ride on the weekends. All up I have clocked over 100,000 km. Here are some comparative guesimates of savings over that time:
Financial... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Rain or shine - the only way to commute!

Rain or shine - the only way to commute!

Just a quick one, but surely arriving at work (or anywhere to be fair) by bike is the best way to start the day?! I wake up excited to ride, and look forward to the ride home. Even during the hideo... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Rail &amp; Ride

Rail & Ride

It’s a damp grey start this morning for a commute to Beverley from Seamer.
Did you know there is no need to book your cycle on a Northern train (there is a limit though)
So if you fancy an ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


The only way to commute

I work about 3 miles from home at a school. I don't drive and the bus service is unreliable and too costly so cycling is the best option for me. I have always chosen to cycle rather than use transp... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Where Theres A Will Theres A Way

Where Theres A Will Theres A Way

Who said delivering a hire bike couldn't be done by bike 😃

A great example from Bob at Wheely Active of using sustainable travel at its best.

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Florida Monsoon Commute

Florida Monsoon Commute

My commute has always been a bit far, and sketchy for riding by bike even though I’ve always ridden quite a lot. The recent purchase of an e-bike has made it practical, except that it’s storm seaso... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story St Helier constant roadworks/closures

St Helier constant roadworks/closures

There's no better feeling than passing all of the endless queues of stationery vehicles in St Helier , caught up in the constant roadworks and closures .

Topic: My commute by bike


Any Recommendation for Affordable Repair in North Sac?

Here's my story: I just tore my derailleur to shreds.

I know, it's not much of a story. But it leads to an important question... Does anybody have a recommendation for repair work in North... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Stop and Enjoy and Be Happy :-)

Stop and Enjoy and Be Happy :-)

Enjoying the little things you find when you let the ride pause and look around. Bikes rule!
Davis to Sacramento, a nice found note when I paused to enjoy the sunset from the riverfront.

Topic: My commute by bike


I'm back!

Since I received a promotion eight months ago, I have been hesitant to bicycle to work. It is four miles longer and the commute is along some treacherous streets in Sacramento... but, I have accomp... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Found Phone Reunited With Owner

As the title suggested, I found a phone and reunited it with it's owner.
Hower, what makes this remarkable is that I found the phone in the on-road cycle path, on a 100km/h road, during morning... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Joining the Fold!!

Joining the Fold!!

I work in the Centre of Cambridge, 8am- 4pm Monday to Friday. I used to drive everyday from my home in Haverhill to my work. Leaving work at 4pm it used to take me 25 minutes to cover 2.8 miles thr... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Toddler and music

Somehow having a toddler on the back gives a perfectly valid excuse to blast some tunes on the bike... From Disney bangers to fat freddys, bring on the day!

Topic: My commute by bike


Port Hills fires

Again being an ebike commuter paid dividends when the Port Hills were ablaze again.
All Motor vehicles were stopped from getting into the Suburb but my trusty ebike took me thru to the cordon w... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Newtown is Awesome

Very rarely do I ride through Newtown to get to Mahi. What a cool experience! So many friendly cyclists, lovely chats while we waited for the green light. I love the Wellington cycling community x

Topic: My commute by bike


Utility Cyclist

I rarely cycle for fun. It is generally just to get around. It's quite enjoyable just travelling from place to place via bicycle. It turns what would generally be a stressful activity to an enjoyab... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Car-free in Houston

Car-free in Houston

I remember plotting my move to Houston, from Detroit, and wondering if I could live there sans automobile. After researching, including looking at walkable neighborhoods, bike & bus routes, and... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Wet weather

Had always purchased expensive wet weather gear. Had an epiphany when I got a $126 hi viz from NZ safety. Have never stayed so dry! It may be ugly, but they can see me!

Topic: My commute by bike


Someone stole my seat post and all!

I bike to work year round and I have done so for about 8 years. I have had a locked bike stolen from a bike rack while at work.
I felt shocked and couldn't think what to do at first, but insura... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story 3, 2., 1 - GO!

3, 2., 1 - GO!

Biketober is off! The outside racks were packed all day at Council House 2!

Topic: My commute by bike


Dusting off the bike for my Cycle September Commute

It's been quite some time since I've commuted to work by bike (certainly over a couple of years), but as I had arranged a workplace Dr Bike for colleagues as part of Cycle September I set myself a ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Lancs to Leeds

Lancs to Leeds

Started commuting to work via train. 2 hour journey 3 days a week so don’t want to have to walk at the other end. Bought an old fold up bike for £25 to give it a go. Doing me good so far!

Topic: My commute by bike


Great Start to Cycle September!

What a fantastic way to start Cycle September! A 30 minute cycle in the rain... surely it can only get better from here 🤞

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Winter Treasure

Winter Treasure

There's nothing quite like the crisp winter air on your way into work and then to be greeted by the mist hovering over the top of the Barwon River and sunshine streaming through the trees!

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Car-Free June

Car-Free June

Car Free June day 28 - I've had an interesting month leaving the car behind and using a combination of bike and train to get about and get to work. Here are some findings:

1. Total km cycl... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story campus bike circles

campus bike circles

Enjoying the efficient bike circles (aka roundabouts) on the campus of UC Davis.

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story More to Experience

More to Experience

My commute by bike lets me see the different, the unusual, the overlooked, the bypassed.

This morning the USGS was measuring stream flow on Langham Creek. I was able to stop and watch for... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Going to work by bike is the best part of the day (and so is leaving)!

Going to work by bike is the best part of the day (and so is leaving)!

I've been so into eCargo biking lately. I bought a couple bikes from Virtue Cycles recently and they have totally improved the quality of life in our home. I take my dog to the dog park in them dai... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


How to Reduce Number of Flats... BIG TIME!

I finally found a way to reduce flats significantly.

I commute in an area of heavy industry. Poorly maintained roads fully of glass, nails, and screws were leading to multiple flats per m... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story What a wonderful way to start the week!

What a wonderful way to start the week!

I took my beautiful daughter to the child minder for the first time today. We rode in the cargo bike and what a wonderful start to the week it was! The sun is shining. The sky is blue and people co... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Finally got out there

Finally got out there

I realised that my commute to work In Hamilton (usually about 14 minutes by car) could be totally different by bike, as I could make use of the amazing Waikato River Te Awa trail. The Aotearoa Bik... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Power of the Pedal

Loving the fact I can travel to work faster by bike than by taking the car! I feel very satisfied as I zoom past the stationery traffic stuck in the morning and evening traffic jams. All viwed from... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story Love Taupo - I can bike to work

Love Taupo - I can bike to work

I biked to work today, the first time since last years Bike Challenge. To say I am proud of myself is an understatement, plus I encouraged my work colleague "M" to bike to work today too. I must a... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story An E-bike has enabled me to cycle to work

An E-bike has enabled me to cycle to work

I used to cycle to work in my previous job just before the pandemic but with a change of workplace and a further and longer commute of around 5 miles which would have involved 2 buses and up to an ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Coming back from Injury

As a new ebike owner(!), I couldn't wait to start cycling to work. However, just after 2 weeks of riding, in November 2023 I managed to get myself into an accident involving my bike and a parked ca... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Free facial !

"Good cycling weather" the family said.
"Best day of the week" they said
"Go for it" they said
So I did.
Got to the bottom of my steep hill and it rained.....hmmmm!
Cycled alo... read more

Topic: My commute by bike