
Stories from England

Read stories and get inspired! Share a cycling story and inspire others to get out and ride!

My love for cycling

I've had my fair share of tragedies over the years, then being diagnosed with Menieres disease, this means I am prone to severe vertigo attacks.

I have always ridden horses for years and... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story No-one told me about Lincoln being so hilly!

No-one told me about Lincoln being so hilly!

After many years feeling like a bit of a social outcast cycling round Cardiff to many different universities, offices, schools, pubs, cinemas and so on, this year I was happy to be offered a dream ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


I cycle for my dog!

I'm not what you would call an enthusiastic cyclist but I started cycling to work when I adopted a rescue dog. Not wanting her to be home all day alone, but also knowing that she would not enjoy d... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Manchester Gravel #MCRGRVL

Manchester Gravel #MCRGRVL

Most have re-discovered the benefits of cycling. One element has been taking things a step further and joining a local club. A cycling buddy of mine set up Manchester Gravel MCRGRVL on Facebook, ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Take time to ride each day

Take time to ride each day

I wasn’t looking forward to returning to work in London this month but the warm weather and being back on my bike really helped.
London is a fabulous city to ride in. Just ride safely and res... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Magnificent 7 go to Blackpool!

Magnificent 7 go to Blackpool!

Magnificent 7 go to Blackpool!
We literally had a blast with high winds and high spirits!
Love to Ride is all about removing barriers to get people cycling. I managed to convince 4 relati... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Getting back in the saddle

First ride out probably since before the pandemic last weekend and it was lush! I got out of the habit of cycling to work a while back and forgot how glorious it can be getting out in the countrysi... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Beautiful Britain By Bike - Day 2

Beautiful Britain By Bike - Day 2

Corinium Dobunnorum Loop of the Cotswolds- a step back in time exploring the deserted lanes of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Today's commute took us to Cirencester - the forecast... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Custom reflective detailing

Custom reflective detailing

I was reading about riding safety in the dark, and lots of people said that we are very good a recognising and seeing faces, so I thought I would combine this idea with reflective details.
Wi... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Slow cycling

Slow cycling

I have almost never been a fast cycler. Even when I was going full tilt, there were always other people going faster. I no longer have any bikes with drop handlebars. I like to sit up and look at t... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


It’s time for change.

As many now use a car I think they forget that we that do not drive have to breath in all the fumes from cars and we have no choice to do so unless we want to live our life’s wearing a mask.
T... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story 2021


This year will be simple.
1. continue my 5 mile commute at 5am to the station with my 3st rucksack.
2. Cycle 1000 miles at weekends over a year, before my wife wakes up at 9am, dressed as a... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Life on my Own

Riding can sometimes be a solo experience...no one there to see you flying over the handle, bars, walking home with a flat tyre, spiking your shin on the peddles, p*** wet through! cryin to yoursel... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Be safe be seen!

Be safe be seen!

I have over 30 years cycling experience and a keen member of a local club.

Unfortunately cycling in the dark commuting and similar carries additional risks.

Purchase as powerful ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Sharing my passion

Sharing my passion

I started commuting by bike to work about 5 years ago when I first moved to the UK. I got given a very old purple mountain bike by one of our regulars in the pub where I worked. It was a very espec... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Mother and daughter

Mother and daughter

Encouraged by my daughter to get back cycling. This photo shows us both out today on the Carrington Moss Estate. This is a beautiful place to get outdoors and take in the Natural beauty that surr... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story 14 lessons I learnt from 50 days of riding my bicycle (part 1)

14 lessons I learnt from 50 days of riding my bicycle (part 1)

I did it! Woohoo!

50 days of riding!
This is how this challenge came about. I decided to take part in the [address removed] #CycleSeptember challenge. I only really awoke to the idea o... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Brick session cycle

Did my last Brick session yesterday before the 113 Cotswold triathlon on 20 9 20. It's 1.2 miles lake swim, 56 mile cycle, then 13 mile run. All for fun!
For those that don't know what a brick ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Bristol Family Cycling Centre

Bristol Family Cycling Centre

I had a fantastic day yesterday helping out at the Bristol Family Cycling Centre in Hengrove, and still can't believe how many people turned up to the sessions despite the torrential downpour!
... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Bristol to ...... along the Avon & Kennet canal

Bristol to ...... along the Avon & Kennet canal

Really enjoyable ride along the canal. We started out from just west of Bristol and took the cycle path to Bath and joined the canal tow path and just kept going... The path is poor in places (espe... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story My 50th Birthday Charity Fund Raiser

My 50th Birthday Charity Fund Raiser

Well here I go again, though I've told My better half this will be the last one!
My 50th this March, I'd thought for some years about doing the Lakesman this particular year. An Iron Man distan... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Getting back in the saddle

Getting back in the saddle

As a child I rode my bike everywhere and this continued into my twenties when I decided to sell my car and cycle instead to save money, improve fitness and be environmentally friendly. However, I ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Get out there and ride!

As a 50 something woman, who has a failing transplant and isn't in the best of shape, riding bikes gives me the headspace to deal with my daily stresses. While out on the bike I a... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story #WomenWhoRide


A couple of hours happily getting lost in the Levels (Somerset!) Whilst it's important for the media to call out harassment of women doing their thing out and about, let's make sure it doesn't crea... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Finding time

Finding time

Prior to lockdown I used to commute 2 to 4 times a week but then with lockdown I ended up working from home which made the opportunity for biking difficult with the number of meetings, mostly tedio... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story To keep my heart healthy

To keep my heart healthy

I have loved my bike through out lock down. I am the proud owner of a pace maker and have had a few cardiac problems. It has been my bike that has kept me going and healthy . It’s been brilliant t... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


9 years

Nine years ago I gave birth to my miracle baby but due to a genetic defect my heart started to fail. I entered a dark time of joy in my baby but not knowing what was wrong. I was told if I had pas... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story First timer up Cheddar Gorge

First timer up Cheddar Gorge

Having been building up her cycling abilities over lockdown Judy my sister-in-law has come on in leaps and bounds since this time last year. Even took on her first sportive in September, which took... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Beautiful Britain By Bike - Day 3

Beautiful Britain By Bike - Day 3

Beautiful Britain By Bike - Day Three.
A historic tour of Somerset & Dorset.

Today's commute took us to Somerton, Ancient Royal Town of Wessex. Our adventure began under blue skie... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Beautiful Britain By Bike - Day 3

Beautiful Britain By Bike - Day 3

A historic tour of Somerset & Dorset.

Today's commute took us to Somerton, Ancient Royal Town of Wessex. Our adventure began under blue skies as we set off towards the old Roman town o... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Friend has now done the whole Guild wheel

A newish friend who hasn't cycled since childhood (and is now 48) has been trying to get fit and lose weight. They had bought a brand new bike three years ago but hadn't wanted to go out on their ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story A Peaceful start to the day

A Peaceful start to the day

I love getting up before the rest of the family and stretching my legs on the bike, especially on mornings like today. The sun had just broken and the light was a golden colour. Not many out on the... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story To clear the head.

To clear the head.

Took the mtb into the forest today. Needed a to get out. Especially after the football result last night. 😭☺ didn't set no time. Didn't set no distance. Just enjoyed the scenery and fresh air. Took... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story #WinterWheelers - don't be lazy!

#WinterWheelers - don't be lazy!

I needed to get some things from the shop.
It would have been easy to opt for taking my car:
- easier to carry groceries in the car
- it's 2 degrees, quite cold!

BUT no, I chos... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Me and the lads

Me and the lads

Motivated my mates for a ride beyond their limits on an early Sunday morning. From Oldham to Bury. To local authority areas in less than 3 hours there and back.

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Hilly Blasters

Hilly Blasters

I’m a Breeze Champion and for the last 2 or 3 years I’ve led a Thursday night, hilly ride which has proved popular with a core group of die hard riders. We motivate each other and our fitness has g... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


After my accident

Back in 2018 , through no fault of my own I was hit by a large vehicle and suffered a dislocated collar bone, among other injuries. I was off my bike for over 6 months and it was a long painful roa... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story 14 lessons I learnt from 50 days of riding my bicycle (part 2):

14 lessons I learnt from 50 days of riding my bicycle (part 2):

Please, please wear a helmet! There is no excuse to not be wearing one. One doesn’t wear them for fashion. They’re there to protect your head. (There are some horrific i... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story What coffee shops have you discovered on the way?

What coffee shops have you discovered on the way?

Whether, they're quaint, quirky or trendy
I love discovering an independent coffee shop along the way.
A few week back, I discovered a great coffee spot in Quainton.

Today, I came ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Family tandems!

Family tandems!

Childback tandems are a perfect way to get the kids about safely and quickly, my tandem has a child seat in front of me for my youngest so he is safely between my arms, and my 7 year old sits behin... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Pill to Bristol Cycle Path

Pill to Bristol Cycle Path

I am very fortunate to work/support young people. Today I was able to encourage and support a young person to join me on a ‘Social Distancing’ cycle ride along the Cycle path which runs along The ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Cycle in my dresses to and from work

A colleague of mine wrote to me last week - she had ventured out on her bike and tried the home to work commute from Stretford to the city centre - using the pop up Chester Rd cycle lane. She'd be... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


My Cycle Journey

I started cycling 4years ago this week. My hybrid bike's first outing was to SkyRide 2015 and this year will be my 5th event(now Let's Ride), and my third working it in some capacity. It has been 4... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Stories from around the world

Image for story On not looking 'like a cyclist'

On not looking "like a cyclist"

Isn't it interesting that, in sports-mad New Zealand, many people think it's absurd to get on a bike and ride three blocks to the dairy, when you could just drive? I mean, who would do that?!
<... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


The essence of prosperity

The dormant trees, the fallen leaves, the sun piercing through the winter sky , oh the energy the feeling we share electrifying the light in me. To Avalon my bicycle has taken me, the virtuous feel... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story My Cycling Journey - Caitlin aged 13

My Cycling Journey - Caitlin aged 13

I live in Galston, a town in East Ayrshire, Scotland. I first learned to ride a bike, at aged 4.
Gaining independence throughout the years then beginning riding to school, cycling to friends' h... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story A Mixed-Ability Cycling Adventure from Barry Island to Sharpness!

A Mixed-Ability Cycling Adventure from Barry Island to Sharpness!

On Friday, October 11th, we embarked on a 92-mile cycling adventure from Barry Island Station to Sharpness, united by a common cause – to support the Save Tall Ship Tenacious campaign and inspire i... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story What I wear instead of hi-viz

What I wear instead of hi-viz

Most Saturday mornings I put this on and head out to do Parkrun. I hope it encourages others to think about such choices ❤️🚴👏

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Today, Sunday, and this morning‘s ride through Corralitos Ca. The sunshine the fresh air and the alluring smell of apple cider as I ride through the dormant apple orchards eminently prompting a fee... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story En selle pour le 48hrs vélo Make-A-Wish

En selle pour le 48hrs vélo Make-A-Wish

Récemment pationné de vélo, je décide de me lancer et de formé une équipe de 6 afin de participé à l événement. Cyclistes occasionnels tout comme débutants, qui se magasinaient un vélo encore 6 sem... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride