Stories from Expired

Read stories and get inspired! Share a cycling story and inspire others to get out and ride!

Lighten up

A journey, in black and white. It starts with an alarm, I snooze – I loose. Ten minutes gone before my feet touch the bedroom floor. Then rush, I’m usually up before the alarm, not today. Dresse... read more

Topic: Other


mixed modes

I chose to ride my bike to work it was a beautiful morning and a pleasant ride - faster in fact than taking my car and finding a park. unfortunately it was pouring with rain in the afternoon ... read more

Topic: A story from the Bike Challenge


Commuting with Kids

We LOVE our cycle commute. Even on rainy mornings and with the odd complaint about waterproof trousers not being the most comfortable things in the world, our five- and seven-year-old cycle just ov... read more

Topic: Ride with kids

Image for story It’s a Revolution

It’s a Revolution

Like a lot of families, we used to fire up our expensive, gas guzzling engines for every little thing. 2 miles to school? Get in the car and sit in traffic. Need supplies for dinner? There’s a Walm... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Touring


A tour round the outer Hebrides no problem with customs amazing people and beaches that are out of this world, one massive hill ( was massive to me ) and an adventure to catch a ferry almost every ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Weight loss journey

Weight loss journey

I’ve been commuting to work on a bicycle for 3.5 years now. When I started it was due to financial reasons. I needed to save as much money as possible and I’m still doing it today. But during this ... read more

Topic: Other

Image for story Zomerse Fotowedstrijd

Zomerse Fotowedstrijd

Fiets je fit met Love to Ride Noord-Veluwe en laat zien wat je onderweg tegenkomt! Of je nu op avontuur gaat in eigen land, een bezoek brengt aan het buitenland óf je work-out op de fiets doet ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story TEAM 🚴🚴‍♀️ Sue & Pat

TEAM 🚴🚴‍♀️ Sue & Pat

Suzanne et moi avons fait connaissance au Tour de l'île 2012 .. Suis arrivé au parc Jeanne Mance tôt le matin .. Il y avait tellement de cyclistes qui attendait le départ .. Donc .. J'ai aperçu une... read more

Topic: My Bicycle Romance

Image for story What I learned during Bike Month

What I learned during Bike Month

I spent the month of May intentionally riding my bike instead of using a car. It was exhausting, sometimes uncomfortable, and a ton of fun. Biking / commuting by bike has always been part of my lif... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Défi de mobilité durable 2022

Mon défi pour favoriser la mobilité durable est d’utiliser autant que possible le vélo pour les déplacements de moins de 10 hm aller. Je vais au travail en vélo 3 fois par semaine, un aller-retour ... read more

Topic: A story from the Bike Challenge


Beau début de saison

Le 29 mai 2022, première sortie vélo de la saison. C'était peut-être la journée la plus parfaite : 25 degrés Celcius, petits nuages, petite brise. Sherbrooke-North Hatley aller-retour en passant pa... read more

Topic: A happy riding memory

Image for story Une aventure à tout les jours

Une aventure à tout les jours

Rien de plus plaisant que d'utiliser le vélo pour se déplacer avec les enfants! Sur le retour de la garderie, pourquoi ne pas arrêter à un parc ou à la plage le temps d'une collation! Le vélo rend ... read more

Topic: Ride with kids


Trois sorties vélo cette semaine

Les trois sorties vélo ont toutes passé trop rapidement !!! Une fois avec Benoît, une fois avec Gilles et Une fois avec Claudia !!! Quels beaux paysages en plus !!!! J’ai bien hâte de faire d’aut... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Soyons source d'inspiration pour les autres

Quand on sort à vélo, nous sommes un convois de 6 personnes 😅 J'aime les valeurs et l'importance de transmettre le goût de l'activité physique à mes enfants, mais aussi à tous ceux que nous crois... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Routards Rive Sud

Pour la 10e année nous avons fais une sortie de mise a jour avec le groupe. De cette facon tout le monde va rouler de la meme facon sécuritaire. Depuis tout le monde me demande c'est quand la proch... read more

Topic: Other

Image for story A riding option: Recumbent trikes

A riding option: Recumbent trikes

I became legally blind in 2012 and could no longer drive a car. I was so grateful to discover recumbent trikes. They are very stable and could be a great option for several people that cannot ride ... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Vélo pour tout

Je n'ai pas de voiture. Mes moyens de transports sont la course, le vélo, la marche et les transports en commun. J'adore circuler en vélo sur les pistes cyclables de Montréal. C'est un grand b... read more

Topic: Other


Sous la pluie

Même quand il pleut, la ride de vélo est extraordinaire! Au printemps, le petit vert des feuilles ressort de la grisaille. Les oiseaux sont actifs, les odeurs terreuses. Il n’y a pas de mauvai... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


L’endroit où j’aime bien aller prendre une pause

J’aime bien aller au domaine Maizerets ses une belle place ou prendre un lunch et profiter de la nature

Topic: My favourite place/route to ride

Image for story Transmission d'une passion

Transmission d'une passion

Le vélo a déboulé par hasard dans ma vie en m'infligeant toute une débarque. Changement de cap, de ville, de métier, et surtout changement de regard. Aujourd'hui je vis la ville et la campagne au r... read more

Topic: Ride with kids

Image for story YES IT IS ABOUT THE BIKE!!! (it couldn't be ME)

YES IT IS ABOUT THE BIKE!!! (it couldn't be ME)

Finished, done, no more, screw this…. I quit! Tired, disgusted, done. Happened this morning. Wasn’t feeling good and riding the struggle bus. SO? I decided ENOUGH! The heck with goals and disciplin... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


Commuting bliss

Every time I ride to work down St Claude I feel so happy for the bike lane...... and the ride home through the quarter feels like a little vacation. Thank you so much Bike Easy Challenge for he... read more

Topic: My commute by bike

Image for story 1000 mile’s commuting

1000 mile’s commuting

I thought for ages about if I could cycle to work and what route to take then finally I built up the courage to give it a go. 3 bikes (wrong size/ broke/ still going) and 4 years latter I’m stil... read more

Topic: My commute by bike



After having a stroke last June,yesterday and today was the 1st time back on my bike.i love my bike..Missed it,each day is an achievement no matter what it is.Hoping to do the memorial park Saturda... read more

Topic: A happy riding memory

Image for story Family Bike Ride

Family Bike Ride

Promised my kids a few hours on the local bike trail during their spring break. Made the easy decision to take the entire day off work for an even longer bike ride. Family first!

Topic: Ride with kids


World car free day

I started biking to and from work about 3 months ago, yes in the middle of winter, after finally deciding I should buy an electric bike to flatten out those hills on my way home after a long day a... read more

Topic: Other

Image for story Buying a free folding bike for my commute

Buying a free folding bike for my commute

A new job in the central city meant having to think about commuting. I drove for a couple of weeks, while settling in, and used a Kiwi parking share app to avoid making the carpark barons richer. ... read more

Topic: My commute by bike


The little things

The joy of finding a new route, it isn’t really any quicker but it’s different and I guess that is part of the joy of commuting by bike - enjoying the scenery as you go.

Topic: My favourite place/route to ride

Image for story B40 Goodness

B40 Goodness

The back 40 has so much to offer for a verity of riding styles… technical riding, speedy down hills, tough uphill climbs, and even more simple flat blue sections. The trailhead closest to me has... read more

Topic: My favourite place/route to ride

Image for story Today was my first trip to Huntley Gravity Park.

Today was my first trip to Huntley Gravity Park.

This is my biggest drop yet! I had TOO much fun sessioning it with my husband. Today was a good riding day. ❤

Topic: A happy riding memory


South Auckland Trail Ride - Left the Car at Home

Totara Park has a really good set of bike trails, with something for all levels of rider skill. The trail hub is about 10km from my home, so I feel a little ridiculous driving there. A plan suggest... read more

Topic: My favourite place/route to ride


Boulot velo dodo …

Le printemps passé, j’ai débuté le vélo pour aller travailler. Ce printemps également j’ai repris cette activité. Franchement, c’est trop génial 🤩; forme améliorée, pas prise dans le fameux trafic,... read more

Topic: Other

Image for story Coffe and Cake Detour

Coffe and Cake Detour

On a beautiful sunny June morning I set off to meander through Calverton, Epperstone, Fiskerton and over the Trent at Newark. On the way home I took a quiet country road to find Cafe Velo Verde in ... read more

Topic: Other


Very very very long bike ride

Prior to moving to NWA I lived in Boulder/Longmont CO where hiking running and biking is almost a lifestyle DNA. So, naturarlly, I biked and run a lot, biking=250 miles/week, running= 25 miles/week... read more


Un mois de vélo boulot... Non! Un an

Je fais du vélo boulot depuis le mois de ...avril 2021. Je me suis procurer un vélo d'hiver en Novembre 2021, parce que La pandémie, parce que le train en panne, parce que le temps fou de me rendre... read more

Topic: Carbon Crushers

Image for story Tenir nos resolution, quoi de mieux pour se sentir fière de soi.

Tenir nos resolution, quoi de mieux pour se sentir fière de soi.

Qui n'a jamais pris des bonnes résolutions et manquer de motivation pour les tenir plus de trois semaines? On ressent alors un sentiment d'échec. Mais si on inclus les résolutions avec nos activité... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride

Image for story Missed the Gym

Missed the Gym

So last night after a busy day at work I got caught on a call which meant I missed my session at the gym. The sun was out and hubby came home and we decided it was too nice a night to sit on the so... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Un pas a la fois

Depuis des années que je me bat contre la diabète. Il y a plusieurs années je me suis achete un vélo stationnaire pour éviter de prendre de la médication. Malheureusement depuis 5 ans le sport en ... read more

Topic: My Bicycle Romance


Levis, le paradis de la belle piste en bonne compagnie

L’an dernier , nous avons échangé avec mon fils nos résidences pour quelques jours. Sur le bord d’une piste cyclable à Levis ! Nous en avons profité pour inviter mes deux frères et conjointe . Un b... read more

Topic: A happy riding memory

Image for story Mow Cop and the Cat & Fiddle

Mow Cop and the Cat & Fiddle

Recently joined my local cycling club (Brereton Wheelers) and joined in on one of the Epic Monumunt rides planned for this year. 103 miles up into the Staffordshire Moorlands and Peak District to t... read more

Topic: A story from the Bike Challenge

Image for story Le plus beau cadeau pour notre famille

Le plus beau cadeau pour notre famille

En juin 2018, notre famille a eu l'opportunité d'aller vivre un an en Suisse. Comme c'était pour une courte période, nous avons décidé de ne pas acheter ou louer de voiture et d'utiliser le train, ... read more

Topic: Ride with kids


Why no new rides this year

Sorry I did not meet my goals so far this year I had a massive in Dec. and had to lay low, Just getting back to riding but keeping it simple for a while. Good luck everybody and enjoy your rides.

Topic: Other


Flab social group rides

Hi Everyone, when lockdown hit i lost my motivation to get out and ride on my bike, this was partially due to not being able to ride with my cycling club as we were to large to get rides organised.... read more

Topic: Encouraging others to ride


Boulevard Champlain

Rouler sur le bord du fleuve respirer la liberté c est la plus grande plaisir pendant mes fin de semaine ….

Topic: My favourite place/route to ride

Image for story Ebike helps me conquer the mountain now!

Ebike helps me conquer the mountain now!

When I'm getting older, I cannot ride a bike to reach any place I want. Most times, I choose to drive my car, but I cannot arrive at some natural places I used to visit. One of my neighbours recomm... read more

Topic: A happy riding memory

Image for story Skip the Car line .. Join the E-Bike Cargo Line instead

Skip the Car line .. Join the E-Bike Cargo Line instead

It's finally getting to feel more like spring!! And that means, more rides on the e-cargo bike!! There's nothing like being the center of attention at the school pickup/dropoff car line -- ALL ... read more

Topic: Ride with kids


Help needed

We need your help❗ 2 Danish students are looking at cycling behaviour in Copenhagen and Birmingham as part of a Masters thesis. They are looking at people's views of cycling in bham and hope th... read more

Topic: Other

Image for story The Sky Is a Neighbourhood

The Sky Is a Neighbourhood

The title of this story is in memory of Taylor Hawkins from #FooFighters who died today. As I read, thinking about that death, I find too that I think about the life around me. I am leaving Milt... read more

Topic: A story from the Bike Challenge


5 Park challenge

So excited, just found out our local parks are taking part in a 5 parks cycle challenge so ive signed up the family and making a day of it, anywhere up to 11 miles round trip, q picnic and even get... read more

Topic: A story from the Bike Challenge


Bouncing like a Rubber Ball

I’ve long been a cyclist, keen commuter to work and general adventurer and explorer. In 2016 I was in an accident where I was badly hit on my bike, taken to QE with what turned out to be a Sub ara... read more

Topic: A story from the Bike Challenge